Chapter 7

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POV Peter

I woke up pretty soon and it immediately hit me. Today is May's funeral. I slam my face in my pillow and kinda hope that it will strangle me to death. After five minutes I give up and check my phone. I have almost hundred text messages from Ned and two missed calls from MJ. Also some group messages from Ned, MJ and my group. They were asking what happened and if I was ok.
I still have to tell them that she is dead but i don't want to do this right now. I look at the time and it is only five in the morning. Groaning I roll out of bed and decide to go in the training room.
I put on some joggers and a simple black t-shirt. Normally I wouldn't wear this but i don't feel like science puns right now. In the elevator I ask FRIDAY to bring me to the gym.
"No problem Peter." She sounds really nice today and a little less sarcastic. Even a damn AI knows that I don't feel so good. I thank her and when the door opens I am glad that the gym is empty.
First I go running a couple miles on the treadmill before I decide to take a break. My whole body is covered in sweat when half an hours later I'm still punching the punching bag. Normally I would wrap my hands but I don't know how to do it myself because Tony always does it for me. Also I couldn't care less if I get hurt or not. I am punching the bag with my knuckles bleeding when i hear the door open. I turn and see the Black Widow standing in the entrance and looking at me.
"Good morning, what are you doing here at this time?" She asked while walking towards me.
"Maybe you should use tape. I'm sure your hands would appreciate it."
"I don't care and I also don't know how to do it." I just want to be left in peace but strangely she decided not to.
"I can wrap them for you and teach you how you do it."
This definitely wasn't a question but an order so let out an sigh and walk towards her. She gets some tape and together we sit down on the floor.
She slowly shows me how to do it and also talks about why this is so important. She i actually really nice and slowly I open up. We talk about some random stuff while she warps my hands and afterwards she also wraps her own.
"Do you want to fight a bit. I can teach you some stuff." This question completely throws me out of my mind. I mean this is Black Widow, a deathly assassin and she wants to teach me? Also I can't risk to reveal my identity.
"Oh and don't worry I know that you're spiderman. I'm a spy. But i won't tell anybody." I'm pretty sure I just had a freaking heart attack but calm down really fast. Tony already warned me that she will find out soon, so this actually was expected.
"Ok, why not."
For another half an hour we train and it was actually not that hard. I never won against her bit sometimes I almost got her.
We both were sweating a lot and FRIDAY told us that breakfast is ready soon.
"You are really good but you still make a lot of mistakes. And you shouldn't rely so much on you super strengt and senses. "
"You could train me." I say but it wasn't completely serious.
"Ok. Every morning down her."
I'm shocked bit quickly nod and then we went up for breakfast.
I still have almost 15 minutes left and so I decide to take a quick shower.
Tony was in the kitchen together with the other avengers excluding Sam and Clint but he kept a good distance and stood up really quick when I entered the room.
"Underoos. Good that you are up. We have a really busy day in front of us. After breakfast we can go in the lab and the have lunch somewhere outside. Your aunt's funeral is at 3." Toward the end he looked really sad and I have to keep myself from crying. I don't wanna go there but Dad says that it's important and I should go.
I just hope that it will be over soon.


I want really able to sleep because of the nightmares. Normally I would talk to Clint but I don't want to steal his sleep again. It's also almost time for breakfast. In almost an hour Steve will begin preparing food for all of us. I slowly stand up and clean up some things that I just threw on my floor yesterday. I ask FRIDAY if somebody else is up and she tells me that Bucky is up and talking to Steve who is still half asleep. But she also says that Tony's kid is in the gym. I decide that a little bit of sport would be good and I clearly don't want to interrupt those two lovebirds. I don't even wanna know what they do in their room.
My brain has to be washed with bleach after those thoughts. God this was really uncomfortable.
"Ok stop, just go down to the gym" I tell myself and make me on my way. I pick up my bag with clothes and tape and then walk in the elevator.
In the gym I see the kid punching the bag as if he wants to kill it.
He didn't wrap his hands and they are really bloody. I figured out that he is spiderman the first time we met him so I know that he can stand a lot of things but his aunt's funeral is today and I know that nobody can handle stuff like this good. I'm speaking from my own experience. There were a lot of times, i wasn't clear in my head anymore. Often Clint was the one to snap me it of it and to make me smile as laugh again.
I should definitely help him.
I approve him and after talking and deciding on fighting we go into the ring.
Of course only after I taught him how to use tape.
He was really good and even so I would never tell him, i think that if he would have a better day, he could easily win against me.
We were both covered in sweat when we decide to go upstairs to eat something. After  he left for his room I start smiling. It really helped him and he wasn't thinking about bad things the whole time anymore.
I was just about to head out of my room when I hear a noise in the vent and a angry Sam jelling from the corridor.
Those idiots really don't learn anything.
But now I should really go and see what the drama is about and try to eat as much as possible before the others come. 

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