Chapter 3

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I'm really sorry but I'm not a big fan of this chapter so next time I hope it will get better. But still hope that you'll like it.

POV Peter

I woke up the next morning in a warm comfortable bed with a really nice pillow. Slowly I start to recognize where I was and then it hit me. All the memories from what happened came back with such a force that I had to jump up and ran to the bathroom. I made it in time to throw up my glass of water which Mr Stark made me drink yesterday. Thanks to me not eating I have nothing else to puke and so I'm sitting here in front of Mr Stark's toilet gagging without having anything in my stomach. After a couple minutes I hear a nock on the door and Tony asking me if I was alright. This is so typical Tony that I have so smile. I mean it's his bathroom and the door isn't even locked but he still respects my privacy. I try to answer him that I'm fine but at this moment a new wave of nauseous hits me and I begin gagging again.
I hear how the door gets opened and Mr Stark comes in. He sits down next to me and starts rubbing circles on my back. After another 10 minutes of straining my body it eventually stops. "Let's get some food into you so next time you have something to throw up." Says Mr Stark and stands up. Slowly I follow him and try to hide how hard my whole body is shaking. I haven't cried yet and I know that the Realisation of her dead still has to sink in but when it does I don't know what will happen.
When we get to the kitchen, Mr Stark tells me to sit down while he will make breakfast for us both. I'm not sure if I will be able to eat anything but i know that I eventually have to.

POV Tony

On our way to the Kitchen and Living area I'm thinking about what happened only a couple minutes ago. I can understand that it will be hard for the kid to eat after all this but he still has to survive. After my parents death I didn't leave my room for a whole week and I only ate when Rhody made me. I also only left my room because of him but now I'm really grateful that he did. In times like this you need somebody who is there for you and looks out for your health when you're not capable of doing yourself. And for Peter I'm gonna be this person no matter if he likes it or not. I won't let this kid down and I will do anything to make him smile again. In the kitchen I tell him to sit down and he slowly sits down on his usual chair. It would be the best if make scrambled eggs and toast because everything else I would probably burn or the kid wouldn't be able to keep it down.
I ask the kid if that's ok but there was no answer. When I look at him I realize that he is really not here with me mentally so I ask him again. He looks up at me and quickly nods. He turned a little red and I can hear him mumbling something about being sorry and about stupid teenagers.
Bout that comment I just have to smile because he is really just a normal not so normal teenager.
The eggs aren't even in the pan for longer than a minute when FRIDAY starts talking.

POV 3rd Person

Tony was standing in front of the stove making scrambled eggs an Peter was staring at the wall which is in front of him, when FRIDAY announced that the Rogue Avengers are coming up with the elevator.
Tony who was humming some Italian song went dead silence and Peter also looked up. If he wouldn't already appear so sick you could say that he looks like he's about to faint.
Then the elevator doors open and walking out were Steve, Nat, Clint, Sam and a little less confident Bucky Barnes.

POV Peter

I stared at the avenger who are standing in Mr Stark's living room like they belong here and not like they are wanted war criminals.
Even tho I know what they did to my (Dad) Mr Stark I'm still really excited because I mean they are THE Avengers. And not many people can say that they met even one single avenger. So I guess it's alright.
I look at Mr Stark who seems to be about to faint but then he catches himself in less than a minute and brings up his reporter smile. Steve Rogers, aka Freaking Captain America is walking towards him and stops 2 meters in front of him.
They both stare at each other and nobody dares to speak until Sam aka the Falcon shouts: "Who the fuck is this child and what is he doing here." I turn bringt red and try to look even smaller in Tony's Hoodie than I already do. It doesn't really work because now all of them are staring at me and this means two deadly assassin's and spies, one ex-Hydra soldier, one guy with freaking wings and one super soldier from the second World War. When you think about it, it's not cool to be in my situation. Especially when you are secretly Spiderman and living with Tony Stark.
Black Widow (OMG she is so cool) is walking towards me and I'm pretty sure she tries to kill me with her eyes but before she can be successful Tony steps in and is now standing protective in front of me.
"He is allowed to be here and before you ask, no I won't tell you who he ist because it's none of your fucking business. " He is really angry, you can hear that because first of all he is cursing which he doesn't do at all when I'm around (or at least he tries to) and secondly he is screaming at them.
But this really doesn't have to mean anything at all.

POV Tony

I was standing there in shock not able to move until Sam was saying something about a kid and I remember that I'm not alone and that Peter is there and that he needs me. I see Nat walking towards him looking like she is about to kill him and anger starts to come up. Quickly I walk in front of my kid so that Nat can't reach him. Something in me snaps and I scream at her to "Back the fuck up.". She looks shocked and takes a couple steps back. The others are also staring at me and for a good minute nobody even dares to move one millimeter.


I was really surprised by Tony's outburst because of this child but I think I can understand it also a little bit. This is exactly how I would react when somebody would try to hurt Yelena or Wanda. Steve walks in front of me and starts bombarding Tony with questions. I don't really listen to him and instead look at the kid. He has cute brown fluffy curls which seem to be untamed. His eyes are a beautiful brown which actually is the same brown that Tony has but his are like Bambi's. Sadly he looks really ill with fallen in cheeks and red puffy eyes. Also he has huge eye bags and is really pale. I don't know what Steve said but suddenly his eyes are filled with hate and he jumps up and Infront of Tony.

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