Chapter 1

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Elisha POV

I have a new pair of cargo pants. A white tank top that's my second skin. My hair is hanging looser by the second, and I can't see anything. Considering that I am running so fast needles are puncturing my skin at the bottom of my feet. "We have you!" A police officer says, chasing me with only a few feet separating us.

I start painting even more. Begging for the universe to give me another chance.  My legs travel at the speed of light. Sprinting to god knows what location. I can hear my heart beating against my rib cage now pounding through my ears. I avoid slipping on moss and dead leaves and try to look for something in the air that I could grab onto. All I see is how nightfall is such a beautiful place, filled with wonders and buried secrets. It reflects the moon's silky atmosphere clouded with shimmers of glistening breezes.

Tears spring my eyes as I look for an escape route through the invading black. I turn my head left gluing my mind to any specific detail that could possibly help my case. Dirt, branches, filthy water, humidity, and maple sap are all what my eyes can capture.

My breath gets heavier and my energy dials to zero, but my adrenaline just pumps harder. My feet unstick from the ground, and I feel the freedom vanquishing around me and for a split second I forget everything. All I can focus on and the oxygen vibrating in my skull as it guides me out of the darkness.

"Stop running Elisha Woods!" Another voice calls out. You are the eye of the fucking storm. Focus. "Listen to the authorities!" I ignore all the calling and fixate my mind on my balanced feet and rotation of my arms. I dash behind a big enough bush and close my eyes so firmly my blood stops circulating.

I bite my lip till I taste the familiar metallic taste and chew in the inside of my cheek. I prompt my hands over my ears, covering them from the name calling and footsteps passing by me.  Once the flashlights and rushed panicked motion is far ahead of me, I go back the other way running once more.

My feet start burning up again and my lungs feel like there on absolute fire. My eyes become heavy and my throat itches uncontrollably. I start moving faster, faster than any other creature until I feel a tug on my ankle and I fall straight into a pile of mud face down.

"Seriously." I mumble. I push myself up scraping mud off my top. I was seriously pissed at everything. I start limping till I'm in the center of town, my footsteps linger dazingly. I leave my shoulders pushed back as I raise my chin upwards and chuckle between breaths. It was all in my head, wasn't it?

I take off my converse and sit at the edge of the sidewalk blinking pathetically at the sky. I breathe in deeply and feel my hands touch something in my pocket. My ring. Before completely analyzing it out of my pocket I feel the familiar roaring sound of my friend's motorcycle. I quickly drop the ring back in and grin widely at Jason.

"Well, well well, another police chase you got yourself into Ash?" Jason speaks leaning against his bike.

"Yea I got away again, for the third time this month jackass." I say while pushing off his shoulder. I quickly get on the back and wrap my hands around his neck. We speed off running around town to find the nearest 7/11.

"By the way what happened to your shirt?" Jason screams while zooming off on the highway. "I'll tell you later!" I scream back, admiring the beautiful wind making me inhale the most refreshing breath of air. Gosh life

"No, but seriously, what happened in the woods Elisha?" Jason raises an eyebrow as we enter the 7/11. I stroll down the aisles making sure to pick out the best options they got while trying to cover my limp.

"I don't know, I got caught shoplifting, so I dropped my monster drink and Cheetos and ditched running to the only location I knew was easy to get lost into." I shrugged grabbing a new set of hot flaming Cheetos from the shelf and sneak a couple twizzlers in my pocket. And a side of skittles for a midnight craving. "I grabbed you a new monster drink for you." Jason swings in the air the can and pushed it into my hand.

"What do you say, we get, or we buy?" He narrows his eyebrows as I burst out laughing.

"I mean didn't we learn our lesson Jay?" I say slapping him across the shoulder. "You are so naughty!" I pull him behind me as I cross the register and speak kindly at the worker.

"That will be $4.74 please." I pull out my cash and suddenly point at something behind the worker and scream, "Oh my god a gun!" I fake another deafening scream and run out the store with my chips and all our stuff and bounce on the bike, me driving this time.

"Hey, get back here scumbags!" The worker yells ragingly. Jason flips him off as we drive calmly while laughing like the maniacs we are. "Freedom am I right?" Jason mummers, "mhm" I nod turning left near the live music bar we go to daily.

Two shoplifting events in a day while having a messed-up ankle. We enter the bar and get greeted by everyone hyping us up as we grab a drink and go to stage. "Are you ready to hear some fucking music?" Jason yells in the mic. I hear the crowd start whistling from a far. I notice Serafina in the crowd smiling lightly towards my direction noticing my limp that apparently Jason was too oblivious to notice.

Grinning at Serafina I remember the first time she brought me here and introduced me when I was eleven. We danced like crazy, and I got to sing a song from Harry Styles. Everyone loved me instantly for my dark brown hair so dark it was almost black I also had these adorable rosy cheeks that were slowly fading. That disappeared since. I met Jason the same night and we made this great duo couple. We always remained close. We understood each other, period.

I smile slightly back, and we start rocking our jam with multiple styles. We even hit some songs from the 80's. We shuffled between artists named the New Order the Cutting Crew and the Bee Gees. At the end Jason with those iconic blue eyes of his and his fascinating ear piercings pulls me over his shoulder, and I hit him so hard he falls on his knees. I laugh and hang my shoulder around him as he licks my cheek, and I stuck my tongue out in disgust.

Quickly Serafina joins us and sings this beautiful angelic song. She's gonna go so far one day. Jason looks at her so intently he's in a daze and Serafina looks straight into his eyes never letting go. I sigh, young love.

I step out the bar to study my ankle more and take some air and start smoking a cigarette. I sit criss cross on the street and close my eyes softly letting sleep slowly control me. I suddenly jump as I hear a car door slam. Damn a G wagon. Don't see those too much around here. I stare off intently till two guys step out. They seem so familiar. They walk around the car checking out their flat tire.

They replace it with their spare one as I watch them discreetly, not hiding but trying to look as if I wasn't stalking but just smoking. It seemed to work as they didn't spear a glance. Then a sharp gleam bounces towards my eye coming from one of the guys fingers.

Holy shit I recognize the guy's eyes.

Hazel green, and ring on finger, rather tall and they both have dark brown hair. Shit. It can't be. No way.

I still divert inside shaking the feeling off. God memories are a pain. I grab another beer still looking out the window to notice they were gone. I release a breath I hadn't realize I was holding. I calmly get up and rub my ring against my palm. Calming my nerves.

Those were not who I think they were. They're gone. They never needed you. And you certainly don't need them, Elisha Woods.

And most importantly. Don't. Fall. Asleep.

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