Chapter 13

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                                                               Elisha POV

I have been here for two weeks now. And days pass quite fast. Today is my first day of school, and I still haven't received my scolding yet. But that's not even what I'm worried about.

I'm worried about my secret as much as she is.

All I know is that ballet will be the death of her. The way she was dancing was so beautiful, yet she was screaming.

Her smiles hide the biggest secrets. Her beautiful eyes have cried the most tears. And her kind heart has been hurt the most.

But the question is, 'What hurt her?' or 'Who hurt her?'

And I can help her, yet I stay quiet.

And I don't know if that makes me a good person.

"What did I say about violence?" Dominique stares into me. Keeping calm but I perfectly know I can sense his frustration from here. I don't reply but daze off into the window behind him.

"Answer me." He says slowly staring into me and not dropping his gaze. I decided to aggravate him by staying mute.

"Hurry up Elisha, we need to go to school." Zane shouts giving me a side eye along the way.

I sigh loudly, "Look I'm sorry." I say dragging the sorry and pouting. Giving fake modesty. Dominque glares at me still keeping calm, staying in center. Controlled. He begins once more,

"I don't like your attitude. And once you get home, you will write me a 5-page essay on respect and how to honor your own blood." He completes.

"When is it due sir?" I bat my eyelashes smirking seeing his jaw clench. I slip past him not before I see him raise his hand at me flinching but not going unnoticed. I'm always in that room.

I go to the door, skipping and trying to ignore the feeling of Dominique's eyes at the back of my head. I quickly dash into the car, Aurora on the left side of me and Jace driving and Zane in the passenger seat.

I look at Aurora seeing her smiling slightly not saying anything as the other twins just stare ahead with a bored look on their faces.

One thing I noticed about the twins is how much they want to get to know Aurora but try and surpass that feeling because they don't want to get too close. So sometimes they act as if they dislike her, but other times fail and can't help but give her slight acknowledgment. But to me, oh they don't care ever since I strangled their perfect princess.

Once the car stops, I just zone out while Jace gives instructions of what to not do. Time passes and I end up in one of my classes, totally not surprised that Aurora is also placed in.


"Hey" Ezra says following behind me. "Which class you in next?" He asks.

"None of your business now fuck off." I reply. He then grabs the paper out of my hands slightly touching my fingers. "Hey!" I shout trying to grab the paper back.

"ah ah ah, shush and let me help you." He says grinning. I give up, simply following and trying not to let a small smile peek out.

He leads me around corridors and the longer we walk the less students I see present. He finally opens a door, and we were outside at the opposite end of the school.

"Literally why Ezra?" I say slapping him against his back. "Look to your right, there's an abandoned part of the school that no one uses." He states as he looks back at me and smiles, "In case you ever get tired of life in general there's a passage I found that you can take to get inside." He continues on, and I stare at him blankly struggling to cover my eyes that would want to soften.

"Let me show you." He says and starts walking before I process anything. He guides me up the steps and I realize were hidden from people all alone by ourselves. We get inside and walk into a hallway with no lights and most of the rooms are locked except for one that Ezra explains to me that he managed to open. "I've never showed this to anyone you know?" He says looking at me deeply and sits on the floor of the room.

It looks cleaner than most rooms and has a small. window. It's shaped like a square and the walls are a plain dirty grey that should be repainted. "So, when you want to escape you come here?" I ask as he pulls a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and passes me one. "Everyday yea." He says tiredly sighing and looking out the window.

I light my cigarette and say, "So like I can come whenever?" I ask pulling my knees to my chest and resting my head against the wall. "I feel like you need it as much as me so yea when you need it." He finishes.

Silence fills the room. But a comftorable one. It's quiet and soothing, and for once my brothers had left my mind, and Aurora was no longer my worry, I wasn't thinking about the consequence I would get for skipping class. "We should redecorate the room." I say not looking at him.

"I've been thinking the same thing ever since I found this place." He replies blowing smoke into the air.

I chuckle, "We meet here third period tomorrow?" I ask.

"To start decorating?" He says smugly looking at me.

"Yes golden boy." I answer and I shuffle back against the door and skip back outside and for once a light smile crosses my face.

I realize that Ezra is a golden retriever boy but hides things behind everyone and he showed it to me. Because he knows were alike in different ways. Were both a bit messy and ruined.

Like a bunch of fireworks when reunited.

I go to the bathroom but not before I notice Aurora and a guy talking together. He seemed and looked like bad news. With his leather jacket and tattoos on his hands. Silver chains around his neck and jet-black hair with dark brown eyes. Aurora was softly frowning at him, but her body language was betraying that, and before I knew it they kissed.

And I knew at that precise moment that they would not end well. 


Authors note.

So sorry I went to Spain and I couldn't bring my computer because I lost my charger again and it was dead. So when I came back I went right away into the chapter. 

I know it's short but the next one will be longer.

Bye for now. 

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