Prologue chapter 3: Ahri (pt.2)

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You jolt awake from your dream... It was a nightmare... It was of Evelynn. You were unable to save her. It was your fault... She's gone because of you... No one comes back from the Rift. The bitter feeling fills your being. But after a few minutes of depressing thoughts you realize where you are.

In a cave.

Y/N: Ahri?

No one answers. You went over to where you saw her trying to get sleep yesterday, but she wasn't there.

You then look outside and see her footsteps leading away from the cave, until they disappear Into snow... Funny was it snowy yesterday? You don't even remember.

Y/N: Guess she's gone.

You don't find it surprising at all. You even wonder if she slept a wink with you in that same cave as you.

You look up in the sky and for a minute you could see a face in there... A huge transparent face.

You rub your eyes and it's gone... Maybe you're just imagining things.

You go back to the cave and sit down... You have no idea where to go.

You sniff a little... It's all so depressing.

???: Wow, did you really miss me that much?

You look up and you're surprised to see Ahri... What is she doing here?

Y/N: You didn't leave?

Ahri: I did... But then I came back... Because I felt guilty... You saved my life and I leave you here in this dirty cave.

Y/N: Ah... Thanks for not leaving.

Ahri: Anyways... I got some food and after we're done, we need to seriously leave this place.

(A/N: Ahri doesn't know that a living tree also save her life she thinks you saved her life twice basically)

Y/N: Alright.

She then drops a dead rabbit in front of you.

Y/N: Umm... What is this?

Ahri: Breakfast.

She says as she pulls up another and starts to eat it... In a weird way your teenage hormones started to work and some blood coursed into places they shouldn't be.

Y/N: Guess I found my kinky fetish.

You whisper silently, making sure that she won't hear it.

Ahri: I have the hearing of a fox you know... And foxes are... Well very good at hearing.

Y/N: Oh.

You say as all the blood from your d now rushes into your face. Not that bad of an option though.

You look down at the rabbit... Some blood on its neck. You then look back at her.

She rips the rabbit apart with her teeth and eats it... Raw... Okay, now it's just getting disgusting.

Y/N: You know what... I'm not hungry.

You say as you push the rabbit forward.

Ahri: Suit yourself.

She says as she takes your rabbit as well.

Y/N: I'm going for some fresh air.

You say and no answer comes.

You walk outside.

'What the hell was that? I mean I eat meat ofc, only gays are vegans... But I mean... What she did is just disgusting' (A/N: no offense to vegans)

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