Chapter 26: Host Hollows

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A voice spurred through Sidon's mind, and he knew that voice very well. It confused him. It should've been out of him. The light should've worked.

"I'm not finished with you," it hissed.

"I thought you were gone," Sidon thought to himself, recognizing that he was in his own head.

"That vial was never enough to get rid of me. It only weakened my ability to take control, but no matter. I still have influence over your thoughts."

"You've lost this. I'm not listening to you. You have no control over me anymore."

"For the moment. But can't you feel it? Something is coming. I feel it's energy. Isn't it... enlightening?"

Sidon did feel something. It was like doom hanged over him. "What's coming? Who's coming?"

"An old friend..."


"Izaak is dead," Mandy stood atop the Great Plateau tower next to Raikin. "Now we just have to worry about the other three. If only we had Sidon. This war would've been over already if he was here."

Raikin looked out into the distance at the chaos. Fire and smoke raged all over Hyrule Field. Rain began to trickle down, but it wasn't enough to stall the fires. He then looked down at the box of vials he was holding. He could hear the malice calling to him. It wanted him. It needed a host.

"I'll find Sidon," the Yiga master lifted one of the malice vials out and looked intently at the twisting liquid. "They may have used that light vial on him, but it wouldn't have been enough. The malice is still in him."

"Raikin, are you..." Mandy looked from the malice to him, knowing exactly what he was thinking. "Are you sure about this?"

"Positive," he set the box down and opened up the cork on the vial he was holding. With no hesitation he gulped down the malice, and he immediately began to groan and tremble. Burning sensations rose up all over his body.

Mandy took a couple steps back, both amazed and terrified. "Raikin...!"

"Yes," he growled. "I can feel it now. Another. I need another."

"Would that kill you?" Mandy took one of the vials out of the box and Raikin snatched the vial from her. "Raikin, two malice vials at once could be lethal."

"Not for me," he downed another vial of malice. The trembling grew worse. Malice particles began emanating from his body, and his hands grew hot with new power. In seconds the trembling was over, and he looked straight ahead. "I can sense him... his traces..."

"You can?," Mandy looked hopeful, now excited to see the new power of her boyfriend. "How can you sense him?"

"The malice in him... I can sense it," he stepped toward the edge of the tower. "We head for the battlefield. Kill Zelda."

"Of course," she nodded and stepped up to his side. She rubbed up and down his back then nuzzled against his shoulder. "I love you."

Raikin didn't speak a word. He only lightly kissed the top of her forehead. He watched with glee as Mandy disappeared, heading for the battlefield. The master then looked down at his hands and breathed in deeply. He could feel the malice's power surge through him, and he loved it. Instead of disappearing into a cloud of smoke, Raikin rushed forward, the malice encasing him and flying him through the sky.

It wasn't long until the two made it onto the battlefield. Immediately the two rushed toward the Scared Ground Ruins, the two leaders of royalty in sight. Link and Zelda immediately noticed the two powerful Yiga and charged towards them.

Misguided Nobility || Sidon x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now