The Girl Next Door

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E: It's day two of living here and it doesn't get any easier. Every morning i wake up to the dreadful sound of a squeaky door opening next door. The girl next door owns horses and i cant be mad about it because i moved in with the knowledge of this but what i didn't sign up for was that damn squeaky door. I do have to admit though she's very different, the way she moves and stands its just radiates power, but there is something behind all that confidence. She appears to be this powerful person but when shes alone in the mornings training her horse you can sense a sadness. Maybe its the way she rests her face, maybe its me projecting, but what i do know is every time she gets on that horse, she lights up. What do i know though? I've only been here two days. I hear a loud scream and i slip on my shoes and run outside to see if anyone needs help. I see the brunette standing outside the stables with a broom in her hand. She had her hair in one of those elegant messy buns and she had on a blue riding suit. She turned around and saw me and her face changed from terrified to relief. "hey are you the next door neighbor?" "yeah, what gave it away?" she smiled and walked towards me. "my name is Regina. i live here and those are my two horses Milk and Honey." she said while pointing to the most beautiful horses I've ever seen. "So Regina, why'd you scream?" i asked with a questioning tone. "This is so embarrassing... there's a huge spider in there and i have to clean it, but spiders are not my cup of tea." "I could go kill it for you if you like." she nodded and opened the gate. i looked down and quickly realize i forgot pants. Had i really stepped out the house in a white tank and red underwear and shes the one embarrassed? I walked in and looked back at her waiting at the doors. I looked up and down and i couldn't seem to find the little thing. i begin to walk out and next thing you know there it is, crawling towards me. I gently squish it and walk back. "thank you so much... uh i didn't get a name." "oh right! Emma, Emma Swan." "well thank you Ms. Swan, if you would like i could treat you to the best cup of apple cider you will ever taste." "you got anything stronger?" i said giving a gentle smirk. "i do but i promise you wont regret the cider." "alrightly then, i'm just going to go home and change to something a little more mmm wine friendly." she looked down at my panties and back up at my eyes letting a soft smirk spill from the tips of her lips. I turn around smiling. Regina... it has a ring to it you know. The fact shes beautiful doesn't help me either. I felt something i haven't felt in a long time. I don't know what that feeling is but i could tell we were going to be really good friends with time.

I get done showering and getting dressed. I throw on my red leather jacket and head next door. I knock on the door and Regina opens it with a smile. She had changed clothes. She has on a Gray dress with a thin brown belt around the waist line. It was very professional and unexpected from someone who owns a stable. "Come in swan." she says while opening the door wider. she walks me into the kitchen and the sound of her heels clicking against the floor is very intimidating. I watch as she pours the glass and hands it to me with a smirk. "so what brings you here?" she asks while walking us into the living room. "Well i just kind of needed a fresh start, something new, something more quiet. I use to live in Boston and lets just say i needed a change." "wow well you know Boston is a long way from here." "oh i'm painfully aware." she lets out a giggle and sips her drink. "So what about you Regina? whats your story?" "Ms. Swan that was hardly a story you told. If you want to hear mine open up a little more, and maybe, just maybe, i'll let you in on a few insiders." I look at her and our eyes met for a good amount of time. "alright Regina you want a story i'll give you one. My moms a Drug addict, i haven't heard from her since i was younger, My dad left her because of the problem and i haven't heard from him since he put me in the system, i moved to Boston met a guy, he was nice but that a story for another time. I moved here because i wanted to get away from all that. Being in and out of fosters homes gives you a different perspective on life and starting a home." She touches my hand and then places i back on the stem of her wine glass. "I liked how you said starting a home rather than owning one. It really speaks volume. Me on the other hand, i'm not too interesting. My mom is mayor of this god forsaken town and my dad well he died a while ago. I plan to get married in a few months my fiances name is Daniel, my mom hired him as our stable cleaner but since the proposal he quit that job. I'm pretty much a no body compared to my mom." She looks down and her face paints a expression of sorrow. I move in closer and set my drink down. i throw my arms around her and she sinks into my chest. "Regina i don't think you're a nobody. I mean I've only known you a few hours and I can tell you're special. There is something about you that i just cant explain." The door nob wiggled and she jumped straight up and out of my arms. In came a tall handsome man holding a folder of paperwork. "Gina, I got the investors to buy...oh i'm sorry i didn't realize we had guest." she has a cold expression and quietly sips her drink without saying a word to the man. "Hi i'm Daniel." "Emma" i said holding my hand out. "Well Emma, i'm sure Gina has work to do so i think it's best to leave us to it now that i'm back." I nod and look over at Regina. shes sunken into the chair and just looks so dreadful nothing like before. It peaked my interest a little. "Bye Regina, I'll see you later." she nods and goes back to drinking. There is so much more to this woman. So much more story to her and i want to read the book.

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