Lilith Page

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E: I roll over and give Lilith a kiss. "Good morning beautiful." She opens her eyes brushing my hair behind my ears "Good morning, Last night was amazing." "Well there more coming." I move on top of her and start making out. "Round two?" "Round two." I say. We fall into a deep and passionate kiss I run my hands into her smooth brown hair and she grips the bottom of my waist. I slowly move my hands down to her chest caressing her soft full breast and i felt her hips thrusting into mine. she grabs my hand and leads in down to her thighs. I rub my hand on her thigh and slowly make my way to her vagina. I kiss her a pull my lips of hers. I slide my fingers in and she lets out a moan. I stare at her eyes searching for a feeling that felt all to familiar with another woman. Our eyes lock for a minute and i see her eyes light up as i go faster but I on the other hand don't feel anything beside desperation but not for her. As i go faster hitting her G spot i feel her walks around me tense up and she pulls my hand out. "My turn." she whispers. She flips me over and immediately lowers her head in between my thighs. With every flick of her tongue i thought of Regina doing this to me. She slid her fingers inside of me and I let out a moan and she kept going and with all the pleasure i found my self about  to cum "Regina, yes!" i moaned out and suddenly she stopped. "Who the fuck is Regina." I shot up and pulled the blanket up. "Regina? Oh! I said that because i remembered that i have to go help her with curtains." "Jesus Emma, I knew when you reached out to me it was a bad idea to get together again." "Come on Lilith you know me i would never cheat on you." "Yeah we'll We're not in high school anymore I don't know what you're capable of" "believe me you have no idea, but cheating is not one." I pull her and kiss her and she smiles. I get up and set my shower I can't believe i said that out loud. Now Lilith is going to be so suspicious of Regina. I get in the shower and bathe with my apple cinnamon body wash and get out and get dressed. "I'll be back soon my L-" no i couldn't really say that because i didn't really love Lilith like that, or at least anymore. I walk over to Regina's house and knock on the door. She opens it and smiles. "Special delivery." "Which is?" "Well me of course." she rolls her eyes and invites me in. "Well i see you had a friend over." "What? How could you tell?" "You have a giant hickey on the side of your neck swan" "No Regina its not... Well it is. Okay fine, Her name is Lilith Page and we dated in High School. I figured i could give her a call and we went out had a few drink and i guess we're together now." "Well i hope you and Ms. Page live happily ever after." "mmm well i don't see that lasting too long." She looks at me with a confused look upon her face. "I accidentally moaned someone else's name this morning..." "Well Swan you are quite the player aren't you." "If only you knew.' She leads me into the room with the curtains i grab all of them and put them into her car. "Do you want a drink Swan?" "Sure why not." I walk to the kitchen with her and we hear a knock on the door. Regina goes to answer and i wait behind her. "Hello, is Emma here..." "Yes may i ask who's asking?" "Lilith... Her girlfriend..." "Of course... come in." She opens the door and lets her in and i felt a inch of my soul fall apart. "So this is the infamous Regina." Regina turns around and raises a brow "I assure you whatever Ms. Swan has said about me is a lie." I turn and look at her and squint. "Well, Regina she never said anything... Well other than your name." Regina looked at me and raised a brown and smirked. "Lilith... i think its best we leave." "Yes, i agree i have a lot to do today." I start walking out and Regina grabs my arm and walks in front of me and looks me in my eyes. "Thank you for the help Emma..." She says softly. She let go and i walked out without shaking the feeling of her hand on my arm. Something about her makes my heart jump through my chest and i just cant quite put a feeling to it... its just a feeling. I think I'm finding myself fancying her... 

I go into the house and Lilith looks at me and raises her hand getting ready to slap me. "Absolutely not! When the fuck did you become abusive? Get the fuck out of my house." "Fuck you Emma I know you want her." She grabs her bag and walks out the door. "Yeah and don't come back." Well that was the shortest relationship ever. You know that's what i get for hooking up with my ex. I grab my car keys and go to the park for a walk. While i'm there i see Lilith sitting on a bench. "What are you doing here?" "You don't own the park Emma." "Yeah, well i figured you'd go home." "I cant. Its too painful." "Whats going on at home?" "Nothing Emma and that the problem. I'm completely alone. That's why when you showed me the slightest bit of attention i leaped." "Lili I know how it feels to be alone so trust me when i say this... when you are alone you will find yourself in the darkest parts of the night, but you will find that light again and once you find the light people will come to you naturally and you'll feel that connection." "You know Emma for girl that hasn't told Regina her feelings you sure do know a lot about feelings." "Trust me... Regina doesn't want me." "Well why don't you invite her to that part Red was talking about last night and maybe she'll see you for you." I smile at her and grab her hand. "Bye Lilith..." I get up and walk back to my car to call Regina. "Hello Swan." "Hey Regina I was wondering you would want to come to a party with me later..." "Well... How would Lilith feel about that..." "Trust me she doesn't care." "Well i guess it wouldn't hurt to get out..." "Okay i'll be there at Seven." "Okay but Swan, the forecast detects rain from five to eleven." "Its not like we haven't been out in the rain before." "No, swan my neck..." "Oh right... perhaps wear a neck scarf maybe?" "Okay, i'll see you soon." I drive home and and stat getting ready for the party. I Curl my hair and slip on a Red body con mini dress and flip on my red heels and red lipstick. I look at the time and its six fifty. I grab my jacket and throw it over my head and run next door to Regina's. She opens the door and i get lost in her body. She has on a black neckline mini dress and her boobs are sitting in it almost perfectly and a black bandanna tied around her neck. "Well Swan Lets go..." She runs out and we get in my car and drive to Reds for the party. "Welcome!" Red shouts. We exit the car and watch as drunk people hurl into the bushes. We head inside and see everyone completely wasted. "Well this is definitely something i'm going to need to drink for." She walks away and grabs four shots of whatever was on the table and grabs me to dance. She starts moving her body in ways I've never seen someone move before. She pulls me in and holds me by my waist and we lock eyes for some time. There it is again... that feeling that I've been searching for. She grabs my face and whispers in my ear... "You like this don't you." I take a step back in disbelief. I felt the water works coming... but not out my eyes. She grabs my hand and places it on her butt. "I want you to want me Ms. Swan." "Regina i think you're drunk... i'm going to go get you some water." I walk away to grab some water and meet back up on the dance floor. "Hold up..." she says. She grabs her stomach and throws up all over my red dress. "Oh my gosh Emma, i'm so sorry." Yep she hates me. "Lets get you home Regina." I walk her to the car and put her inside. She stares out the window the entire ride home. I walk her to her front door and run back to my house. I take off the dress and throw it into the washer and pop the heels of hell off into the living room. 

An hour goes by and i hear a knock on the door. I get up and answer it and it's Regina completely drenched. "Emma..." "Regina what... why are you wet?" "I went to find myself... but there is something i need you to know." "Okay..." "Emma Swan, I am so deeply in love with you, it is absolutely insane, and i know you're with Lilith so i will respect your relationship but i couldn't hold it in any longer. I want to be with you." "Respectfully Regina you're drunk so we're going to just lay you down and have you think this through in the morning." "Emma. i'm not as drunk anymore. I am a little bit... but what i said is completely and utterly true. I am in love with you." "Prove it then." She grabs my face and pulls me into her lips. I almost immediately felt sparks though her kiss. I felt the feeling i was searching for. I pulled her in even closer closing the door behind her and lay her on the couch. she releases my lips and looks deep into my eyes. "Was that proof enough for you?" "Regina... goodnight." she falls back into the couch and turns around. I have to admit i'm freaking out on the inside. The kiss felt like something out of a fairy tale and i'm not one for romance novels but i'm pretty sure i'm living in one. I walk into my room and close the door and get into bed thinking about everything that just happened. Regina comes into the room seconds later closing the door gently behind her. "Regina, i'm not going to sleep with you you're drunk..." "I said i'm not." "If you're not drunk then i'm the Queen of England." she rolls her eyes and gets onto the bed and covers up. She grabs my face and kisses me and then lays her chest on top of mine. "If this is what love is... count me in." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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