Mother's In Town

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R: I wake up to the sound of the night owl ringtone. I jump up reach over Emma to turn it off in a daze. I go to the kitchen and grab a sticky note and write a small little thank you note and place it on her refrigerator door. On the way out i stop and look at the bruises that we're getting slightly worse. I slip on my shoes and run home. Daniel is still away which isn't surprising to me at all, He frequently cheats because he believes i'm still in contact with Mal despite him blocking her in my phone. It's such bullshit but i deal with it out of love. lately I don't even know what love is. I run upstairs and throw on a hoodie and some sweats and go outside to brush and wash Milk and Honey. The doors of the stable squeaks open like always but this time i worry about waking Emma. I look over and see the kitchen light come on in her house. "Welp there's that." I continued to wash my horses and Daniel pulled up in his little black Mercedes. "Good morning..." i shouted. He gave me the cold shoulder and walked right past. I figured i better leave it alone. I stick my hand into the soapy bucket and a few moments later Daniel came out with a cup of coffee. "So where the fuck were you last night?" He asked assertively. My heart rate shot instantly and i just continued to wash the horses. "I was home all night waiting for you." he walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Those bruises look bad babe. You should do something about them. Wouldn't want people thinking i hit you." He said sarcastically. "But you do hit me Daniel, and i'm so damn sick of it." He rolls his eyes and forces out a half laugh. "What do you think you are? A damn Queen?" He said "And a bit more refined." I added. He back handed me and walked back in the house like nothing even happened. I dropped the brush and followed him in this time. I have this new found anger built up in me. I storm in the house and see him sitting on the couch. I walk towards him and slap him with like i was slapping a brick wall. "I told you to stop hitting me, you're going to stop hitting me." He stood up and grabbed me by my neck. I kneed him in the balls and he immediately let go. "Regina! What the fuck." "Oh please like you haven't done worse." i roll my eyes and make my way back outside. As the door was closing all i heard was "You vindictive bitch." I walk back to the horses and grab the brush. "I'm done with this Honey, Mommies writing her own story now." All I could think about was how much I wanted to hurt him the way he hurt me. I wanted to kill him because I was so full of anger. I finish up washing the horses and get a phone call. "Mother..." "Good Morning Gina. I'm coming over and should be there in ten minutes." Normally i would panic because i haven't covered the bruises but this time i just hope she sees them. She pulls up and i walk towards her. "Regina... What the hell happened to you." she says grabbing my face. "This is my reality. Everyday he hits me mother." She looks behind me at the door trying to get her thoughts together. "well what did you do to provoke him?" I took a step back and i was in complete disbelief i had no idea what to say. "I'm sorry?" i asked infuriatingly. She moved me out the way and walked to the door with open arms. I turned around and Daniel runs up and hugs her. "No way this is happening." "Cora, your daughter hit me today." "well Daniel don't act like you don't hit her every other day, i get it shes a crap situation but bruises don't make good wedding pictures." He laughs and i take a step back, i'm so lost as to what I've just witnessed because i was so sure she would've took my side.

I run inside and throw on my favorite riding suit and along the way i stop to look at my mom and Daniel laughing and chatting away as if hes just some holy person. I knew my mom had issues with me but i never realized she hated me this much. I take Milk to the Side of the house where the oxer is. Milk jumps and jumps and i feel the emotion flow through my entire blood. This is my only release. Nothing will genuinely make me more happier than riding. I throw on the biggest smile and go a little faster. I'm more connected with my mind body and soul than i am when i'm not riding. I slowly come to an end and grab some water. I walk Milk back to the stable and grab Honey. I look over at Emma's and she waves and me though the window then pushes the window open. "Regina! You're doing amazing!" She shouts. "Have you been watching me Swan." I shout back in a playful tone. "How could i not!" she giggles and i playfully roll my eyes and hop on Honey. i start her off with a powerful pace and do a couple jumps. Honey was a gift from my father so i do have to admit i am a little biased when it comes to training time. I look over and Swan and catch a glimpse of her smiling and clapping. I slow down and walk back to the stable. "I bet you liked that swan." I gave a little wink and walked back into the house. I'm sure that got her a little flustered and i kind of liked the idea of that, getting Emma Swan flustered. I go to the kitchen where all the fun is at and sit next to Daniel. "So whats so funny." I asked. "Grown up stuff Regina, you wouldn't get it." "Daniel... I'm older than you." He raises his hand. "Stop." Mother said dominantly and he actually listened. He lowered his hand and i rolled my eyes and pushed in my seat. I went upstairs and changed clothes. "I'm going to the apple trees." I said before grabbing the basket and heading to my car. Of course no one heard me so i'm probably going to get beat for that later. I drive a little down the street and park my car on the side and head to the apple trees. I grab a few apples when i heard a voice behind me. "You like the red ones? I'm more fond of the yellow." The gentle voice whispered from behind. "Swan... Are you stalking me? Because if so i hope you do know that's illegal." "Regina no. I was driving by and spotted your car and decided to stop and say hi. I got your note, it was very sweet." This woman is insane. "yeah, well swan you can't get obsessed with everyone woman who shows you the smallest amount of empathy." "What happened, I thought today's a good day!" I roll my eyes. i knew i was upset because of my mother being in town. "I'm sorry Emma i have a lot of work to do today so it's best that you leave before someone gets in trouble." "Regina i'm not scared of your fiance." "You should be. Plus its my mother i'm more worried about, shes in town." "Oh... I'm sorry, i'll get going." She walks back to her yellow beetle and i gather up my apples and walk to my dark blue mustang. I can feel Emma's patience wearing out. She's the only person in my life i feel i can really trust at the point. If i lose her i don't know what i'd do so i think its best to distant myself until i figure all my shit out. I never realized the importance of a good friendship before I don't even think i know how to navigate a friendship all that well.

I arrive at home and see that my mother is gone. "She made you a pie Regina." Daniel says softly. "Thanks, i'll have some later." I place the apples on the table. "Regina sit down, I wanna talk." I walk to the chair next to him and sit down wondering what his latest dose of drama is going to be. "What is it?" "Regina, i'm so incredibly sorry for the way I've treated you the past couple of years. I promise i wont ever do it again. I'm just so broken without you and sometimes when i feel like your pulling away it makes me so incredibly angry and i want to hurt everything around me. I know it doesn't excuse my behavior but take a minute or a day to yourself to think about what i just said and behave accordingly." I smiled as leaned in to kiss him. He picked me up and placed me on the table pushing the apples down to the floor. I don't know how I felt but it's something about an apology that he knows is my weakness. He unzipped his pants and placed his penis between my thighs. I kissed him and he slipped it in gently. I let out a moan and once again unintentionally imagined Emma doing this to me. I took a deep breath in and Daniel came inside before i could finish. "That was amazing Gina." I nod and he kisses me then walks upstairs to get cleaned up. I pick up the apples and place them back into the basket and run into the downstairs bathroom to get cleaned up. as i was cleaning up i reflected on everything Daniel told me and i realized hes just manipulative. Hes my mid youth crisis and i need out. I walk upstairs and see him sitting on bed. "Hey Dan... You said what you needed to say but i didn't really get the same opportunity as you." he shot up. "Okay well go ahead." "I don't want to do this anymore... I don't want to marry you, I don't want to be with you. during the years we've been together you have completely drained me and i can not do it any longer." he looked at me a stood up and I sunk my feet into the ground and stood taller. "you're making a mistake." "am i?" "Yes. I'm not leaving." "okay well then i am." "no you are not. Gina sit your ass down now." I stayed standing to see where things would go. "Why do you want me out so bad? are you fucking that bitch next door? That's what it is isn't it. Your tongue is so far up her ass you cant see reality, you cheating ass whore." "You're fucking Evil Daniel." "How am i the evil one you bitch." "I don't know go look at yourself in the mirror, and have you ever once realized that perhaps i am good and your the wicked whore?" My face was met with a heavy slap. "you know what Gina, i'll leave but i'm calling your mother and i'm taking all of the shit i bought and pretty soon you'll be begging for me to come back." "why? You think i enjoy getting hit Daniel? You're so delusional that you think i'll want you even after all that." Deep down i knew that he'd be back for some reason, but its the temporary power that just felt so good. I know mother is not going to be happy but i'm doing whats best for me even if its not a permanent situation. Daniel said i get a day to think, Yeah well i'm taking a month. Maybe a year who knows. I just need the time to Genuinely figure myself out before i let someone back into my life like him. "Fuck you Gina. This isn't over."

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