The Woman In The Window

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R: After the dinner Daniel yelled at me the entire way home. he kept asking why i was being selfish for taking Emma's food which yeah i guess you could say he does have a point. She bought it for me though. Why? Why does this woman who's known me for less than twenty four hours want to invest so much time into getting to know me. If it wasn't for the window being open Emma would have never saw Daniel hit me. I've been carrying this secret for years now but I do truly love Daniel. He was my first true love, the first guy i ever slept with, the first guy to ever really love me. There's no doubt that he has a short temper but when hes okay the feeling is great. Sometime i do wonder though, where my life would be if my heart wasn't held captive by such an evil man but when it really comes down to it all i really try to see past it and give him the benefit of doubt. Maybe it's my fault he's this way, early in the relationship there was this woman named Mal, she lived in the house Emma lives in now and it was no secret that i was in love with her. He walked in on us in bed a long time ago and ever since then he's been this way. Mal moved a little over a year ago and maybe he's getting defensive because he feels like i'll be like that with Emma but truth is. I'm far to emotionally damaged to ever love another person, hell i'm struggling to love myself. I get ready for bed but before i do i go get a glass of water from the kitchen. Out of curiosity i looked out the window and saw Emma in the kitchen reading a book. She looked so warm under the dim lights. I watched for a few more seconds and she must have gotten the feeling of someone looking at her because she looked up and our eyes met for a while. I didn't look away, i couldn't I was exploring her from afar and i could tell she was doing the same. Our gaze was deep and passionate and i don't think anyone has ever looked at me like this. Maybe its because i haven't had too many friends since Daniel but something told me that friends don't look at friends the way shes looking at me now. She waved and signaled for me to come over. I want to but i'm too scared to leave. She puts her finger gently pressing down on her lips. I get the memo and grab my slippers going outside very quietly. Daniel was asleep so i had to be extra quiet. I run down down the sidewalk and shes waiting with her door open. "come in!" i walked in and was immediately greeted with a warm cup of coffee. "Dang its gotten chilly outside." "i know my toes a freezing from the run." i looked up at her smiling. "here i'll go get you a blanket. i'm actually surprised you even came." "well i figured since hes sleeping might as well. You're a really good person Swan and i don't know what it is about you but i just i like you." "yeah... let me ask you, how did you end up with a man like Daniel?" "sometimes love blinds us Emma, you go in with the hero and end up with the villain." "yeah but that's no excuse for the way he treats you. Its ridiculous." "Have you ever once thought maybe i deserve it." "No. I doubt you deserve any of that." "I cheated on him with a woman, he has the right to be mad." "You're gay?" she asked in a questioning tone. "No i'm bisexual, is that a problem?" "No, no absolutely not, I'm lesbian so i was just asking." My eyes shot wide open and my mouth formed a smile. Why was i so happy by hearing this? We walked over to the couch and she put on a funny little Tv show. it was cute. She wrapped up in the blanket with me and laid her head on my shoulder. I felt this sort of tingling on the tips of my fingertips through the palm of my hand. I look down at her and it was almost like a switch in my head flipped I suddenly seen forever in her eyes i knew we we're going to be best friends.

Sometime went by and Emma had fallen asleep on my lap. I gently moved her and got up. "Where you going?" "Home Emma, I'm going home." "Stay a while Regina, please." She reaches out for my hand and i sit back down. "Emma what is fixation with my life. Please just stay out of this Ms. Swan. I have go." I honestly don't know why i said that. I guess i was just caught up with my own emotions about everything that i kinda of lashed out. I grabbed my stuff and ran out the door. I walked in my house and up the stairs softly. "Where we're you Gina." Daniel said in a daze. "Downstairs, i got caught up in a movie." I said making my way under the covers. "Come here." He said pulling me in towards him. "Daniel not right now please." "Regina, If you wanna keep a man, You have to please him." I hate when he says that, but i love him and love is sacrifice. He pulls me in and rolls over. Slowly sliding his hands up my silk dress, I close my eyes and he puts his hand on my vagina. He gently rubs me and i let a few moans out. He stops then he slides his penis inside of me. I close my eyes and usually i just dread the experience but this time, I thought of Emma. I imagined Emma on top of me instead. With every thrust I felt myself come more closer to cumming, but then like always my fantasy was shortly lived by a throbbing slap across my face. "What the fuck was that Daniel." "Shut up bitch i'm about to cum." he said while violently thrusting. "Yeah me too, Stop hitting me." He grabs my throat and chokes me while thrusting to the point where i cant breathe. "Daniel... I. I cant breathe please let go." he squeezes even harder. "When I say shut up, I mean shut up." I close my eyes because my vision starts blurring and five seconds later i found myself in the deepest sleep I've ever been in.

I wake to Daniel gone and someone ringing my doorbell religiously. "Coming" I shout with a scratchy voice. I fight through the fatigue and walk to the restroom to wash my face. I run the water and splash my face. When i'm met with my reflection i see two large hand shaped bruises around my neck. The door bell rang again and at this point i was just beyond frustrated. "I said i'm coming" i yelled with a more assertive tone. i grab my house robe and pop the collar and run downstairs to the door. I open it and i'm greeted with a bottle of wine and a smile. "Ms. Swan what are you doing here so early?" she looked at me addled. "Regina it's four pm and you look like hell." I felt my face and body jump out my soul. "My horses!" i run past Emma and straight into the stable. I take my house robe off and place it against the hook on the door. "Regina... Would you like some help?" she shouted. "No thank you Emma, its my fault i over slept." she walks in anyways and picks up the box of horse food. "Look Regina, i'm sorry about last night..." My back is faced towards her so she couldn't see me roll my eyes. "Look Emma, i appreciate the apology but you did nothing. In fact you just being here is causing trouble. Get out." she takes a step back towards the door and then she takes a few forward. "Regina look at me." "why?" "Turn around and look at me." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. I slowly turned to face the blonde and she took a few more steps forward. "Regina... your neck... did i cause this? Is this because you got caught sneaking out?" she slowly strokes my neck down to the center of my chest and places her hand there. "What are you doing." she grabs my hand and places it on my chest. "You feel that?" "Yeah, what about it?" "That is your heartbeat. The heartbeat that took nine months to form. Protect your heart Regina. Don't let a man rip it out of your chest." I look at her and felt the tears rolling down my cheeks. "I love him Emma Its true love." "Regina, Just because you believe something is true does not make it real. Look inside yourself and do whats right. The only way to beat this is to never give up Regina." "Emma you asked me about my story, The truth is. I don't have one story, I've hurt so many people in my life. I know you feel like Daniel is the villain in my story but the truth is he's not. I am. It's my fault he's like this. He loved me and i loved him but i got caught in between love and adultery". "Everyone makes mistakes Regina, hell I've made a few but that doesn't make it right for someone to abuse me."  she grabs my hand and walks towards me. "Whatever comes next you're going to face it Regina." I cant help to notice the complete hero complex this woman has but its also comforting knowing i have someone to run to when things get rocky. "Now lets finish up with the horses... maybe i can take you out for a ride!" Her face lights up. "I've never ridden a horse before." "oh no way! Go home get dressed, Preferably pants and long sleeves you're gonna ride a horse today Ms. Swan."

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