Walking in a Winter Wonderland (chase v.2)

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Exposition: I Suspect Mr Caterpillar is Correct, as He Always Is

The caterpillar said if I do not know where I want to go

Then it does not matter if I turn left or right

So here I am in Wonderland

With a piece of mushroom in either hand

And I must choose

Left or right

Right or left

He is right

I do not know

Rising Action: Her Majesty The Queen Deigns to Grace Us with Her Presence

It is positively hilarious that I am writing a poem about being lost

And having trouble figuring out the next sentence

Because I do not know where I am headed



Anything to end it

Belief suspended


The delusion that you can mend it

So let us return to the topic at hand lest we end

With my maidenhead rolling across the bend



Climax: A Surprise Appearance from Our Beloved Friend Sisyphus

Methinks I am chasing after the ever elusive happiness




Except my path is taking me downhill along gently sloping earth in another unexpectedly accurate spontaneous metaphor

So must I always fight an unending upward battle

Against gravity like a less glamorous Ms Sisyphus

Or can there be another way

Falling Action: Tea Party for One

I thirst for a prize I have not yet decided on

Or perhaps a trophy I do not want

Hungry for power

Yearning for praise

Aperitif: ego crumble paired with fresh wild thoughts

Entree: solitude braised in sullen tears

Dessert: bittersweet longing macaroons

Who has a full meal at a tea party you ask

Me of course

Greedy me

Denoument: The Real Friends were the Alices We Killed Along the Way

I wake


The chaos begins anew

Now I see

I am living the dream

The living dream

So I let myself smile at the blue of her skirt caught in the echoes of the sky

And pray it will be enough 

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