i tried

39 3 5

i suppose there are other things
which may or may not be
yet this attempt at a nonsense poem
is making me want to flee

the time calls for internal rhyme
how easy to compose
though all this random trash is just
a tiny bit morose

what am i saying? you still wonder
well, that i cannot tell
and though tis true its all pretend
perhaps this will ring a bell

each alternating line i write
in iambs, four and three
the technical terms for that are tetra
and trimeter, dont you see?

or rather crude aproximations
but lets leave that behind
for none of this is any good
except to kill my mind

i hope you will forgive me for
torturing you with this
abomination is what its called
which you surely will not miss!

i tried: poems from a lost soulWhere stories live. Discover now