Izuku Midoriya

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Here he is. The main character of the show. The 9th wielder of One for All: Izuku Midoriya. Izuku is definitely depicted as a quintessential shonen anime MC. Not necessarily a bad thing, and there are some things that set him apart, but let's get into how he does and what could get our MC kicked out of UA.

Yes, starting out, he had some major issues with One for All and controlling it. How the faculty of UA handled this was...disturbing to say the least. This goes a little bit back to not reading student files and notating the issue. Punishment/expulsion should not have been the first thought out the gate. Aizawa claims it to be so he doesn't have a bias, but then immediately has a bias towards Izuku, believing him to be lazy because he can't control his Quirk, and then singling out Izuku because he believes there's a connection between Izuku and All Might (which he's not wrong about).

This goes back to not investigating things, and the failures with Izuku lie primarily with All Might, Aizawa, Recovery Girl, and, most of all, Nezu. All Might for being a garbage teacher on training the Quirk (great Hero. God-awful teacher), Recovery Girl for not helping and further denying healing, Aizawa for above reasons (though I do also think he should have been let in on One for All), but mostly Nezu.

I say Nezu because he knows about One for All, and knows All Might passed it on to Izuku. He should have been setting up Quirk counseling of sorts, he and All Might should have been introducing Izuku to Gran Torino much sooner (although he wasn't much a help. Izuku discovered how to utilize One for All by happenstance with the takiyaki, though it's implied Gran Torino knew how best to teach Izuku and just didn't), and, when the student files revealed some unsettling things that didn't seem right, investigating what happened prior to UA and getting Izuku into therapy.

Furthermore, continuously pitting Izuku against Bakugo is irresponsible on so many levels. For one, they're not rivals (I touched on this in Bakugo's chapter). Bakugo tormented Izuku. Another negative impact this has is that Izuku isn't going to learn differently on techniques because he's always with/against the same person, which, in training, breeds bad habits (this also goes towards always having he and Uraraka be on a team all the time).

A lot of the other failures I already covered in the Bakugo chapter. Izuku has a lot of unchecked trauma. He believes he has to protect his abuser, as those in abusive relationships are groomed to do, from facing any major consequences, or chooses to take the fault for the abuser. This goes back to how badly Izuku needs therapy.

Now, as far as everything else goes for Izuku, he does very well academically. Now that he's gotten more control over his Quirk, he's made leaps and bounds in the Practical Hero training portion, so much so he could be considered the best and strongest in the class. He does very well teamwork wise (when not paired with Bakugo), so he has many pluses and would not be in fear of expulsion in those categories.

Izuku's biggest fault goes back to how he himself feels worthless, or he needs to go above and beyond, even if it means meddling when he's explicitly told not to, and people aren't helping him in that aspect. To them, he's either not learning fast enough, is too lazy, needs to "get over his childish rivalry with Bakugo", etc. And, due to his trauma, he feels responsible for things he really shouldn't, such as Bakugo getting kidnapped. Bakugo got kidnapped because the League wanted to make him a Villain (I wonder why *sarc*)

Also, him getting in trouble during the Stain incident is BS. Yes, he was informed to stay on the train, but that didn't really work out. After that, if memory serves correctly, he was told by Gran Torino that he could use his Quirk to defend himself and others from harm. Which means him stopping Stain from killing Iida (and this goes towards Todoroki as well) should not have been covered up. Covering up for Iida, sure, but not for Izuku or Todoroki.

Izuku needs a lot of help, and, whereas there would be a chance to be expelled, it's not as bad as you may think.

Likelihood of being expelled: 5

Reason for expelling: Probably the rescue Bakugo fiasco.

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