It's My Own Damn Fault (15/7/22)

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Sitting in a deck chair in front of a bar was not where he expected to find himself two years after his breakup. He especially didn't think that he'd ever find himself in northern Florida. So for both of these events to happen at once, was surprising. But John had never been one to rule out possibilities. So it was, that he ordered a margarita and some sponge cake, and sat for the better part of the day, watching tourists come and go while in swim suits. At one point, he lost the salt shaker that was on the nearby table, and one of his flip flops broke. But still, John didn't worry. Because, he had a feeling that he could rather contentedly waste away here in this place.

Sure, the bar was kind of run down. But the bartender had only asked him to pay twice, and with the money he had saved up, he could keep paying each time he was asked to. So, time passed by. And John had no idea how much time had gone by. All of it sort of, blurred together. He didn't know what day it was. He also didn't know how much he had paid the bartender. But it was enough that he was only asked to pay twice a day.

Most of the time, he sat out on that same deck chair, watching the tourists bake themselves under the sun. A lot of the time he spent on that chair, was him contemplating all sorts of useless facts and information. Some more of that time was spent reflecting on how he got to be there in the first place. It was nobody's fault sometimes, and other times, he could see how it might have been his own stupidity that led him to laying in that deck chair. And hell, once he finally looked at it all, from a slightly boozy and food coma state, he would actually admit, it was his own damn fault for ending up where he was.

Some of his friends that were also constantly at the bar, claimed that the reason he had ended up there was because of his ex. That she had somehow, caused him to arrive at the bar in a similar manner to how the rest of them got there. But John always knew, it was his own damn fault what he did. And that was something he would hang on to for years. But it didn't matter all to much, really. Because John would just keep wasting away again, day after day. And to be honest, that was fine by him.

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