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Reality is crap. I think that's a pretty safe assumption that I can say if you managed to lose your way and find youself here. Reality is one of those things that just sucks, until you find a perfect balance for yourself. The problem for many people is that they can't find that balance. The reality for many of those that can find it, is that they over balance. They get their lives into such a state of routine and exactness that nothing ever changes for them, excepting the points where they interact with some other people.

Can you imagine having almost the exact same day oved and over, for years? You wake up, do whatever you do in the morning, go to work, eat lunch, do more work, come home, watch something, clean around the living space, eat something, clean a bit, and go to sleep. You do this for years. Can you imagine actually doing this? Little bits of socialization in there, maybe swap a few things around depending on the person, but that's it. I hate the idea of that. That you change nothing.

I don't really have much of a routine in my life. I let my body wake itself up when it wants, unless I need to be awake for something, and I eat lunch at about 3:30 in the afternoon, 15:30 for anyone not in the united states of america, because america felt it had to be different, and doesn't realize that it's the laughingstock of the world. I eat dinner somewhere around 9:30, 21:30, and stay awake until about 1:30 in the morning. I do any kind of thing in my time between when I wake and when I bed down for the night.

Going back to the subject of reality sucking, I just don't like it. Neither do many other people, and so, storys were invented. Fake realities, or existing ones that seem better than our current ones. After spoken stories, books were written. From books to small games people could play. Things like chess or other things, where you could pretend to be someone completely different. From games to movies, and movies to videogames. Slightly more interactive stories.

Part of the reason fantasy stuff is so popular, is because we can pretend to be someone else, or somewhere else. Not the guy with a cubicle job in a buisness tower trying to meet a work quota so he won't get fired. Not the barista at a starbucks down the road from where you live. Not a janitor for a big retail store chain. You can throw away your current reality, and embrace a new one, that you can be in, and love, and experience new things with. Be it a book, a game, or a movie. You become someone else, for just a little while, and learn to change your view, and to feel emotions for people you'll never meet, and to hope that things turn out okay for everyone in the end.

Because the word fantasy, doesn't mean, fairys and goblins and magic, it means something that just can't exist, as of the current stage of society and civilization. You won't be seeing people disassemble themselves atom by atom in one place and reassemble themselves in another, in an instant. You won't see someone call forth lightning and thunder from nothing on a clear day. That's fantasy.

But it's also a fake reality that some people hope will become a real one. And others just wish that things like that can happen somewhere. I personally subscribe to the multiverse theory. That there are multiple universes out there, all near enough to each other that they can be travelled between, and that somewhere, is a place where fantasy to us, is a reality to them.

I write this late at night hoping for one thing. That things in the universe can change. That if there is some kind of omniscient presence that controls luck, that it makes a few changes, and that people can band together to not be complete jerks to one another. I also hope that I can eventually make right whatever wrongs I've done to people. I've done some bad things, and I know it. And I feel bad that I have, and I want to make it right somehow, eventually. Goodnight from my current time, and if you made it through the ramblings of a madman, then congratulations. You've got a good head on you. Don't let it sit on the wayside. Use it do do something that you consider productive. Not that others do, but that you do.

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