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As time continues to pass, it seems as if it is unmoving. You always find yourself lost in the moment, wishing it could stay like this forever. You have always dreamt of being a white bird flying free into the sky after earning its freedom. A bird spreading its wings soaring through the blue skies of the Earth where nothing can stop you. Being free is such a goal to thrive for. Irusen Online is giving me a second chance. The key to my happiness. The life of working hard for your own self-values and making your way to the top of the hill then being the king of it. But sadly, that was not the way to do things in my world. Even the little simplest things that we want in life is very hard to get. It was quite unfortunate, war and violence at its finest. All of those things we want for our desires. Then it can result to be all meaningless. Everyone always wanted to have everything, to be perfect. Is fighting for ourselves the only option we have? We have to eliminate the obstacles in front of us in order to become the best to achieve our goals. I am going to guide you to a place where you can finally make a new start of your life, so we could make some changes in this sad, deceiving world. Follow me and achieve your dreams so that your future will be even brighter as it was.

Dear Mari,

Hi Mari, you've been doing well in life so far, I guess. You're already 18 years old. Your life has only just begun! College is just right around the corner. Get prepared for the new things that are about to happen. Get out of your room and stop playing video games all day! Go outside and have a bit of fresh air. Take a look around Mari, things won't be the same as it is right now. No isn't an answer. It's all you ever wanted in life to move on and have a life and in addition to that, your mom is needing help from you. You will receive an endless amount of responsibilities. Anyways, it's your last year of high school. At least end it with a bang. There's something in store for you in the future. Have some confidence and stand for yourself, I know you can do it. Good luck.


Your past self.

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