Chapter 1: Time Essence

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I took a breath into the depth of my calm state. The rustic sound of my sword being taken out of its sheath had the most medieval feeling. I swung out my short sword and readied for battle, a monster called Chak was acting really hostile towards me. The aggressiveness built up between us which bewildered me with fear and fueled me with adrenaline. As I sprinted to the monster a white notification came up and signaled to me, *10% Battery Percentage*. My sword dropped out of my hands due to being distracted by the notification. Then the Chak had made its move and went to attack with its sharp jaws. My phone was burning with heat from the non-stop of overnight playing.

"Oh, crap."

Luckily, I was spawned into the nearby town. Then I turned off my phone and took a break from the game I was playing. I felt like I was slowly getting an addiction to killing monsters in a video game. The psychotic feeling rushed through me with a smirk adorning my face. It made me feel empty inside. While I left my phone on charge, I peeked out the windows only to witness a little fog that covered my whole neighborhood. I went outside of my house and decided to take an early morning stroll. When my feet touched the porch in front of my house, the fog felt so tempting to disappear into. I took the temptation and walked in. I inhaled into the foggy air and began to walk, the twists and turns as I put on my hoodie. The cotton warmth pressed onto my body as I put it on. I sunk my hands into my pockets and quickly grabbed out my earphones and an MP3 player to just to listen to pop music. The trees were moving gently as the wind hits its leaves. It had such a soothing feeling. As I turned to the next block. I heard someone calling my name, I turned to the direction where the voice was coming from.

"Mari!" I took off my earphones and somehow recognized the voice that was calling out to me. I had made an assumption it could be the only close person I know.

"Hey, Blaire." I rolled my eyes at how much of a pest Blaire was, she was my childhood friend and seemed to always know what I'm up to. I feel like she has cameras all over me. The idea of thinking about it is too weird to even comprehend. It's good to have your own stalker at least. They think you're a very interesting person. Although, she was a bit peculiar in her acts, she was still all I had since my father's early disappearance.

"Hey, Mari! What's up girly? It's so early." Blaire chuckled.

"What do you think? I needed some fresh air and expose myself to nature." I scoffed.

Blaire giggled as she followed me to our secret spot where we always spent time at and I just relaxed and think about myself and the life I had. Blaire had made her way to my side, coming extremely close, and she was trying to annoy me with her ASMR ear whispering. I care for Blaire as a friend, but I know I always take her for granted. Like, she's my friend and has always been there for me, but I disregard that anyways.

"Mari, did you sleep last night? You look tired."

I took a glance at her and looked away. Blaire always worries about my health since I really don't take care of myself well. Thankfully, I have a close friend who makes sure I'm okay. I turned up my music volume a bit louder just to fall asleep against the wall.

"Mari, it's almost that time of year for school to start again."

"Dang, it's that time already? Summer this year was shorter." I replied.

"Don't worry we still have lots of time. But until then, we can go do all the shopping we want to before summer ends."

Blaire stared at the devastated look that crossed over my facial features. Summer is the time to have fun and go out and be outdoors. But then there's me who just stays inside for most of the time since there isn't really much nature, to begin with. Where I lived, there isn't a lot to keep me occupied. Usually, cities are just bustling with new technology and it seemed to be all busy. But it made me like nature more than the city due to how everyone was so into themselves. The sky had caught my attention away from Blaire and was wondering if anything exciting will happen in my life this year. My life seemed a bit broad and it was something that I always hated. A boring life leads you to become a nobody.

"I really enjoy the red hair you have, don't dye it. You're also as short as ever, drink a bit of milk."

I got a bit annoyed and just gave a glare at Blaire.

"One, I won't dye my hair ever since it is my natural hair color. Two, I can't help it Blaire it's my genetics."

I got up and started to walk back home. Blaire also followed me chatting up some random gibberish. Of course, I didn't really listen to anything to what she was saying and I just shook and nodded my head every time she tries to ask a question. I was looking down on the road and was kicking rocks to the side of the streets. We then stopped at a fork in the road and departed our own ways.

As we began going our own paths, Blaire shouted, "Let's go shopping tomorrow! I'll come to your house so make sure you're ready Mari!"

I shook my head at her with a smile then shortly did a short nod to myself. Honestly, I don't like Blaire but I love having her around. She gives me good company when I feel a bit alone. I don't really like the loneliness anyway.

"Okay, see you!" as I yelled back at her.

Blaire was one of the closest friends I ever had since childhood. I'm not much of a talker at school but she happened to be the only one to open up to me and of course, I was a bit cold to her. We met under this tall tree in the middle of the school campus on this one day. She bothered me and then I managed to open up to her as well. I always sat there and just drew my favorite animal, a bird. It felt as if it was yesterday. I was just sitting under the tree minding my own business.

"Hey, what's your name?"

I looked up at who was speaking to me. Then I just ignored her.

"Hey, that's pretty rude ignoring people like that." the girl walked near me to look over my shoulder. "Oh, what are you drawing? It kind of looks like a bird. That's very cool."

I looked up at her and blushed.


"Oh, no problem! Oh, my name is Blaire, what is yours if your willing to share."

I stayed silent and continued coloring my bird. Blaire started to walk away.

"Well, I have to go to class now."

I slowly stopped coloring and looked at Blaire walking away from me.

"My name is Mari."

Blaire looked back and smiled.

"Nice to meet you Mari!" as Blaire ran back to the school building.

Then that's how Blaire and I became friends. She always came to talk to me near the tree every day and admired my drawings. Unfortunately, I stopped drawing since then I had lost my interest in it.

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