Chapter 4: Glorious Days

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    The digital screen of phones has been told to be a corruption for disasters. Beneath every screen is a mastermind. The dark lingers of hunger to swallow any hope that has a chance to see the light of day. It'll destroy everything and anything in its way in order to fill its starvation.

"You poor unfortunate soul. I see you suffering but yet there is a burning passion inside your eyes of potential. You'll make a good one. Don't let me down young one."

I woke up from my slumber just to see myself in bed. I sat up straight to see if Blaire was still here. I took a good look around and I found a lit candle and besides that was a little meat bun and note on my desk. I first opened the note to see what has been written on it. "Hey Mari, I left you a little pork bun since I always know you loved these. I was studying your wound and looks to be not that serious. Hopefully, that will not happen again. I hope you will get well soon, love Blaire." The letter also had many colorful stars and hearts on it.

I felt way better than before than last night thankfully. The pain seems to have gone away. I grabbed my meat bun and jumped onto my bed. Then I flipped over to my phone and the authentic background music of Irusen Online was back to my ears. I logged back on to the game it feels like it has been awhile since I've played. With the luscious taste of the sight of the green scenery. My soul is at its rightful place. My character has spawned back at the green meadow. I searched for what was my next initial quest was. A little notification popped up and told me I have to go to Fort Baily. As I was reading the objective there was a sudden rustle in a bush nearby. I went to investigate what was in the bush as I was parting the leaves a faint sound was left in the bush. There was a mysterious black smoke rose up from the center of the bush. I continued to finish my pork bun when I looked back at my screen the pop-up for the destination, it changed to Rororo City. I took a second look at the pop-up. I could've sworn it had said, Fort Baily. I ignored the fact that the quest had changed and thought it was probably a bug. I didn't want to go deep into it since I was eager to play. I had missed this feeling of the virtual world, I got back into my own new character. I followed the objective and it had directed me to the direction of Rororo City.

A weak breeze hit me behind my neck. I looked back at the field and gave a short wave. Then I walked forward without looking back. I had reached a Mining Town of some sort. It didn't feel quite right walking inside of the town. It was quiet, perhaps too quiet. You could hear a few mice squeaks here and there. I settled at this small shop in town and looked around to see if there were any living residents. I saw a mother and two of her daughters were whimpering and looked distraught. I got off my seat to approach them. I looked at them to see if anything was wrong.

"Hello there."

"Hi, are you an adventurer?" the mother spoke weakly. I nodded my head to her.

"Thank goodness, I have a request to ask of you adventurer."

"What is it? May I ask."

"So you see, in this town just a few days ago there was this man who came from the city and had raided our local mines. He captured almost all the men here and wanted to make them work for his bidding to find jewels in the mine. He can control the goblins that live in the mining caves so we had no way of defending ourselves. He took my husband so I ask of you can you please help us, adventurer?"

After listening to her, it was a lot to process but I only had one thing in my mind. It was to fight back against this raider. He was making some disruption in this world of peace and I won't allow it for a second. Once again I got ready to set venture to the mines. As I stepped on the gravel road. The little girl from the village had grabbed my hand. I kneeled down and she gave me a light ball.

"Here Miss, I hope this helps you please get my daddy back."

I laid my hand on her head and patted her.

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