Chapter 11: Despair Prevails

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We managed to reach down at the bottom of the bell tower. We reached the main square near a fountain. The fountain wasn't spouting out water though it seems it had been stopped abruptly.

"That's weird, the fountain definitely had water coming out before we went inside the tower," Joey said.

We were both distracted by the fountain then there was something that was coming for us. The sound of howling of wolves. A pack is heading straight our way but there was already a few behind us. We were surrounded by wolves.

"My, my what do we have here." a childlike voice spoke.

"A child? No, wait." I said.

"Oh, are you judging my appearance to my voice? How rude. Also, I'm right here in front of you."

"The wolf is talking?" I questioned.

"I'm no ordinary wolf, I am Summoner. Also known as Oliver. Hmm, now that I have found you two might as well play a game since I'm bored."

I moved my foot back and looked around and to see if there was any chance to escape from this scenario. Joey looked at me with intense eyes. His staring was serious it wasn't ordinary. He was signaling I had to go but I couldn't just leave him behind. Joey reached inside his jacket for a few of his potions.

"Go, Mari, live! Blizzard!" as Joey threw down one his ice bottles. "I'll take down all these wolves you can go and run Mari."

I looked at Joey, him being very self-conscious of knowing of what he's about to get into. Our opponent isn't normal for sure.

"Well isn't that rude. You're running away before the party even started." Summoner said.

Summoner had dug deep into his bag and took out a tiny capsule.

"I guess I would have to use my secret weapon."

I looked back and heard him say secret weapon.

"It was nice playing with you Alchemist but I need to end things here and now. Now come forth my thunder wolf take down this Alchemist with one strike."

There were huge clouds that started to form on top of the main square. A lightning rod had come upon Joey and the shock had killed him. Joey almost looks like he was almost burnt to a crisp by the lightning he fell down without any more energy.

"How easy, now I need to wait until that can charge up again."

"Why would you kill him?"

"Oh, simply he was in the way of you, of course. I wanted to talk to you, Mari. Why would you run from your own brother?"


"We are both related are we not? I like how you have not known. I am your younger half brother, Oliver."

"That's impossible. I am not related to a monster like you."

"But it is true, father misses his own little girl but I wondered whoever it could be when I didn't have a sister of my own."

"Father?" I gasped with no expression.

"Yes, he is the creator of Irusen. He had hosted this own killing scavenger hunt and made his only two children participate."

"This is all news to me, related to me or not, I will not forgive you for taking down one of my friends."

"Is that so Mari? I have more of an advantage than you because you see father had given me some special perks to my character."

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