Chapter 8: Last Second

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The ferry boat was engulfed in darkness, I took a walk on the boat when everyone was asleep. However, I only see that the room I was heading to the lights were on. It sounded like there was a lot of noise coming from Mari's room. A strong feeling came over me, I grind my teeth together of thinking of how much time we had left in general. I needed to deliver these letters as soon as possible, tomorrow was the day everything was going downhill. The mission I was assigned needs to be accomplished.

The candle spoke out to me once again.

"Again Mari, you should believe me. Your fate is yet to be soon. Be careful."

I took note from the oni candle. The feeling of war that is about to occur soon very shortly. Then there was a small, abrupt announcement.

"Hello, this is your captain in charge of your ride to the island resort we are going to be arriving shortly."

"Wow, we are almost there already." I think I should get ready to pack up and head get ready to brawl. Then there was another announcement.

"Hello, this is one of the developers and we would like all of the players to arrive in the dining hall we will have one more session of tea party until the ferry ride ends, thank you."

I went to the dining room to play along with the developer's games. This ferry ride almost seemed to be for so long. I was getting seasick due to being out here for so long. But we are almost there.

"Hello, welcome players to our last meeting until the grand paradise in the island resort. We will now begin the last session of our ice breakers, tea party."

All the players already had dispersed and grouped into their own cliques. It made me feel like I was back in high school again. Everyone was just with their own groups of people and it was just me and Blaire with the looks from everyone but directly to me. I always thought I was an outcast also when I was with Blaire my own best friend even. It felt a bit unfortunate that it things be like that sometimes. I saw two people sitting at a table far away from everyone. I decided to be a bit confident and walked near them.

"Hello." I greeted.

"Hi there, you're just in time." as the girl spoke.

"Time for what?" I was slightly confused.

"We were going to introduce ourselves to one another. I'll go first though, my name is Angie and I am the chosen Monk candidate."

"My names Mari and I'm the sniper candidate."

Angie and I looked at the last person to speak up.

"Oh, my turn? I am Vreya and I am the fierce gladiator. I like to swing my sword around and destroy things."

"That seems to be big words coming from a person like you."

"Yes, it's because I am the best gladiator in the game."

"Perhaps, you were lucky to be chosen as a candidate out of all gladiators in Irusen, Vreya." as Angie smirked. "How long you guys have been playing Irusen anyway?" The people always want

"I have been playing for 8 years," Vreya said.

"Wow, that's a pretty long time Vreya. I have been playing for about 6 years, time sure flies then and lastly how about you Mari? How long have you been playing Irusen?"

"Well I have been playing for a good week I think," I replied.

Both of them looked at me weirdly.

"You must be joking, a week? You're still pretty new to the game itself. You're also pretty lucky to be selected as a candidate even."

"Yeah, I was quite happy when I received an invitation

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