Chapter 01

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While walking through the hallway of the school. I felt like someone is following me from my back. Turning around to see if there was really. But none. Walking faster and faster because I'm already getting late. No one's out. All students are in their perspective classroom.

But something really does feel off. It feels like I'm being watched and followed. But when I turned around again. No one. No one was there. Just silence. No one is at their lockers, no one is walking. No one.

I walked fast. Feeling scared already. But as I was about to walk turning right. Someone grabbed me by my arm and placed a handkerchief on my mouth. I tried to let it go, but this person is just way too strong. His grip on my arm hurts. Which made me winced in pain.

Feeling dizzy already. The surroundings are starting to turn blurry and dark. I was about to fall to the ground when I felt a fast punch on the person at my back. I tried to look but my head is aching and my vision is starting to get darker, and darker. Until I didn't know what happened next.

Wake up, with bright lights from the ceiling. Covering my eyes from it as it hurts. I looked around and saw saline stand on the side of my bed and a blanket covering my body. Confused about why I ended up here, in a hospital room. When I was just walking going to my classroom.

The door opened and I saw mom and dad with a bag of food with worried faces plastered on their faces. What? Why?

They saw me awake, and mom came running to me and hugged me tightly. I can't breathe.

"M-mom I c-can't b-breath," I said while having a hard time saying it as how tight she was hugging me.

Mom let go fast and I chuckled. But her face looks so worried. Question is. Why?

I furrowed my brows and looked at dad, who was at the back of mom. "What happened?" I asked and looked at both of them

I saw mom's mouth open a little and dad with his plain face. "You can't remember anything, honey?" mom asked

Thinking about what happened and why I ended up here at the hospital. But I can't... I can't remember anything. Just walking going to my classroom is all I remember.

"I only remember walking to my classroom," I said in my low voice.

Mom just nodded slowly and walked outside the room. Started to call someone. She walks back inside with a nurse and doctor with her.

The doctor came near and the nurse beside him. "Hello, miss Avery. I am Doctor Charles. How are you feeling?

"I'm feeling good, doc," I said. He looked at a clipboard. Guessing it's about my health, and wrote something in it.

He nodded and wore his stethoscope and checked my heartbeat. And again, he wrote something on the board. "Do you remember anything about what happened?" he asked and looked at me.

"No..." I said and shooked my head.

"Okay, so..." The doctor looked at my mom and dad. Judging by the face. I think he's asking for assurance from them. He looked at me back and smiled a little.

"You were attacked by a man while you were walking through the hallway of your school," He said and I just listened. "Luckily, someone came right on time before this man could've killed or kidnapped you." He said in a serious tone.

Trying to remember if that really happened. But nothing came up.

"Um... Who's the person that could've killed or... kidnapped me?" I asked seriously.

Doctor Charles looked at mom and dad again, asking for assurance if it was fine to tell me. But instead, dad told me.

"He works at the company that I've been telling you, sweetheart" dad said softly.

I just nodded and looked at Doctor Charles again. "How bout the one who saved me?" I asked.

He gestured for someone to come in and I leaned forward a little to look who it was. Tall man, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. Muscular but not too much. He looks strong and looks like he has no fear.

"This is Ace Anderson. The one who saved you from the attack" he said and moved backwards to give way to him.

I looked at him in the eyes, thinking because he looks familiar from my school.

Doctor Charles and my parents were talking at the back. That I don't really understand. I gave my attention back to Ace and gave him a soft smile.

"Thanks for saving from the man" I said and looked at him. He just placed both of his hand in his pocket.

He gave me a small smile and looked at me in the eyes. "No problem. You should really be careful next time." He said and I just nodded while smiling.

We both talk for a while and he told me that his class was in the other side of the building at the university. That's why he looks familiar to me. Since one of my friend's class is there. And after, he said he needed to go home. He excused his self and mom and dad thanked him.

"Your daugther can be discharged tomorrow." Doctor Charles said, while mom and dad nodded.

Doctor Charles and the nurse walk out of the room. Leaving only me and my parents.

"So, sweety." Mom said and sat down at my bed while dad standing in front of her. "Me and your dad was planning to hire a bodyguard for you."

"But mo-"

"So that you can be safe, sweetheart. You're our only daughter and child. We can't lose you just because of our company fighting against another one" dad caught me off and explained it to me.

I didn't argue back that I shouldn't, and accepted that I will have a bodyguard with me all the time I go out. For the sake of my mom and dad. So that they don't get worry to much...

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