Chapter 02

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Already got discharged from the hospital and already arrived at our home. Bored. Lay down in bed, laying down on the couch in the living room while watching Netflix, and scrolling through my social media. Bored.

Staying at home for so long is boring! Mom and dad said that before I can go back to school, I should have a bodyguard with me. My body wants to go out so badly! They can't even let me go out and walk, or even just in the garden. Which is so big that you can build a tiny house and mini water park.

I sighed and decided to just go back to the living room and watch another episode of the series I'm watching. But my head is getting insane staying inside this mansion that feels like I'm in quarantine or what.

While watching, I heard the door open. Which made me startle a bit. Mom said she's gonna text me if she was coming home. Checking my phone if she did, but she didn't.

I quickly hide somewhere, where this man or woman won't find me. A cabinet, disguised as a wall is where I hid. From the inside, you can see the outside.

Texting mom so fast that all the words are in the wrong spelling. I'm already shaking out of fear. Am I gonna die?

Giving up texting and just called her if she was actually home or not. Two dials, no answer. Third dial. Finally! She answered.

"Yes, sweety?" Mom said in a sweet tone. I can hear people talking in the background noise. Guessing she's in a meeting.

Well, sorry. Your daughter is scared for her life here.

"M-mom there's someone in the house. Is it dad? Or who? I know you're clearly on a meeting" I said while my hands were shaking already and starting to get cold.

Mom went silent for a while before she could respond back.

"Oh! I already hired a bodyguard for you this morning. It could be him. But just make sure it's actually him before you show up. A tall guy with dark brown hair. Same guy when you were at the hospital the other day, sweety." She said which made me calm down for a while. Still not sure if it actually the bodyguard she's talking about.

But the same guy from the hospital the other day? Ace? Ace Anderson? The one who saved me? Or another guy. One boy came into my hospital room that day and visited me. Some mom or dad's friend's son, I think.

Saying goodbye to my mom and checking the outside if no one was there. Tiptoeing to the living room and hid on the back of the couch. Looked at the front door, ten feet away from the living room. Seeing a guy with an actual bodyguard suit, tall, and his hair is dark brown. I couldn't see his face as his face backward.

Remembering I was bringing a pepper spray with me downstairs, which I don't know why and grabbed it on top of the coffee table.

Walking nearer to the man, and aimed the pepper spray at him for me to get ready. Because what if it's not him? My bodyguard? Just some disguise man as one?

"Who are you?" I asked in the most serious tone that I could possibly make.

He looked at me and my eyes met his hazel eyes. It's him. Ace Anderson. Phew... But wait... What?!

"Hello miss Avery Winchester. I was assigned as your bodyguard" he said in his deep formal tone.

Slowly lowered my pepper spray and looked at him in confusion. He's a college student. What happens if it affects his academics?

"But what about your academics?" I asked

He looked at me in the eyes and I did too. "It's alright miss Avery." He said in his deep voice.

Nodding in response and looked at him back. "Be... uh... Comfortable, I guess?" I said in a questioning tone. "Sorry, this is my first time having a bodyguard with me" I scratched my head and chuckled.

He didn't say anything and just looked serious. Which made me pretty awkward. So I just walked away slowly, up to my room, and closed the door.

Laying down in bed and didn't know what to do and just decided to take a nap.

Waking up, feeling hungry. Stomach grumbling, asking, and begging for food. Standing up, walk to my walk-in closet to grab a black hoodie as the temperature of the household is cold.

Opening my door to go out and seeing a tall man standing by the side of the door outside the room, made me scream.

"Ah!" I screamed and fell to the ground. He looked at me fast and helped me get back up. Not gonna lie, that was scary though. Seeing a tall person in black clothing, standing just outside your room.

As I stand back up he let go of my hand and stood up properly again.

"You know it's fine not to just stand by outside my room. It's kind of creeping me out." I said and scratched the back of my head.

"I'm sorry miss Avery. But I was just doing the commands of your father" he said in a serious deep tone again.

Taking a deep sigh and walk out of the room and walk downstairs to the dining table. I could feel him following me at my back, which made me a little uncomfortable. This is my first time having a bodyguard. Who probably will follow me 24/7.

As I came into the dining area. Foods were already prepared by the maids. But only for one person? Mom and dad are not coming for dinner? Grabbing my phone from the pocket of my hoodie and dialed my mom's number.

She answered the phone right away and I could hear people talking in the back. "Yes, sweety?" My mom asked in her sweet soft tone.

"Are you coming not coming for dinner, mom?" I asked

"Sorry sweetheart. Things are getting a little out of hand here. We'll be there by tomorrow." She said. "By the way. Is your bodyguard there with you?" she asked in her serious tone.

"Yes mommy," I said and sat down in the chair. Placing my phone to my left ear.

"Okay... Stay safe there and take care, okay? Always bring pepper spray with you"

And after that, we said goodbye and hung up. My stomach was already making noises. So I started placing food on my plate...

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