Chapter 06

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Ugh... My head hurts so bad. I shouldn't have drank too much last night. Totally was just gonna regret it in the end.

Holding my head while trying to get up. I saw some aspirin and water on my nightstand. Who placed this? Mom? Dad? Didn't think too much and just drink it.

My clothes were still the same as last night. And my body feels so disgusting. I got up from bed and walk toward my bathroom and started showering. Finished and started wearing my black dolphin shorts, and plain white shirt.

Going downstairs and saw Ace standing outside the dining area. Coming closer and saw mom and dad eating breakfast and talking. Oh no... Did dad see me last night? For sure I looked wasted.

Slowly trying to go far dad spoke. "Eat your breakfast, Avery" Dad said in his serious tone. I sighed, thinking and expecting I was in trouble.

I sat down in my usual chair slowly and poured syrup into my pancake. "Morning mom, morning dad." I smiled sheepishly at them and ate my pancake.

"How's your night out last night?" Dad asked while slicing his pancake. My mouth opened, trying to think of what to say.

"It was fun..." I said and looked at dad. So that he won't think I did something bad and guilty. He just nodded and that gave me relief.

"We'll be on a business trip tomorrow, early in the morning." Dad sliced his pancake while talking. "So that means. You will be alone here for maybe a week."

Well, that's fine for me. I'm already used to being alone in the house.

I nodded and drank my orange juice. "But you're going to be with your bodyguard whenever you're going out. School, mall, out with your friends, and inside the house."

Really? Can't I have some alone time? Literally, the house is safe, and there are around twenty guards around the whole mansion outside. Why should I have a bodyguard with me around the house? It's okay if outside. But inside? That's too much. I really wanna say this, but I know for sure that dad will get mad.

"Yes dad," I said in a monotone.

But I remember something.

"But Ace is a student, dad," I said and pointed at Ace who was outside the dining.

"His academics have already been taken care of, sweety," mom said and smiled sweetly at me. I just nodded and smiled.

I finished breakfast and I am just laying down in my bedroom scrolling through my social feeds, bored. Have no idea what to do. Class starts tomorrow, so all day I'm free. Should I talk with Ace? I mean like, friend talk. Since we're the same age and we school at the same university.

Thinking if I should talk to him. There's nothing wrong with talking, right? This is hard. It's just because he's my bodyguard. But, if I can to hundreds of businessmen and women. Then I can talk to him.

I stand up from my bed and walk towards my door and headed downstairs, seeing him standing beside the entrance door. I walk out and he followed. Wanting to go for a walk. It isn't that sunny so it's fun to walk.

Sitting in a park. Just a little far from the mansion. Letting my legs rest for a while. The air is warm, but at the same time cold. I like it.

Ace was just standing at the back of the bench. Of course, he's going to stay near. I'm outside. What could go wrong? I looked at him and he was just looking straight. He's tall. Like around 6'7 of his height?

Tapping his arm and he looked at me with confusion on his face. "Sit here" I pointed at the space beside me and he just looked at me. What? Standing all day is just so tiring.

He didn't say anything and just sat in the space beside me. There was still space. But that's fine. "What course did you take?" I asked him. The silence was just awkward.

He went silent for a while and spoke. "Law..." He said. Oh, so he's taking law? He should be focusing on his academics? They say the law is a hard course.

Nodding in response. Like dad and mom said. They took care of his academics.

"How bout you?" He asked in his deep tone of voice. I really thought I was just the one who's gonna be making a conversation here. Hm. Good start I guess?

"Business Management," I said and smiled. I took that course because I will be the next person who will take over the company when the time comes.

We both just made little talk, and I was enjoying it. Talking to someone was fun. Sharing all your fun memories with someone is also fun. I couldn't do that to my friends. Their parents also own a business. Can't trust the people around you. But him... He looks like someone you could trust. He listens to every word. But I can feel the trust I have in him.

It's already getting sunny. We decided to go back home since mom and dad might be looking for me. While walking going back to the mansion. Ace was just standing at my left side the whole time. Usually, he will be standing at my back. But this time he's just at my side. I didn't think of it too much and just walked.

But while walking, I heard footsteps coming from our back. "Ace... Do you hear that?" I stopped walking and looked at him, scared and worried.

Ace looked at me back, with a serious face and his brows a little furrowed. He looks like he was trying to hear something or sensing.

He grab my wrist and walked faster. But I still hear some leaves being crunched, like someone was stepping on them. I looked at my back and saw a man in a black hoodie and black mask walking fast towards our way with a knife in his hand.

He was getting nearer and nearer, but Ace punched him hard to the ground. He punched him until he was unconscious. I just stood there frozen and shocked. He grab his walkie-talkie and spoke something. Looking at the guy one more time and stood up walking toward me.

"Are you okay?" he grab my hands and looked me in the eyes, with a concerned tone in his voice.

Why do I feel something strange inside me? I never felt this way when I'm with him or anyone...

Her Personal BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now