Chapter 08

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"Good morning, miss Avery" the maids greeted me as I walk into the dining. My eyes are so sleepy. I shouldn't have slept late last night, reading books.

I smiled at them and sat down on the chair. "Where's mom and dad?" I asked them.

"They went to work early, miss Avery," One of the maids said and I just nodded. Starting to eat the sliced pancake.

Getting ready to wear my outfit of the day and brush my hair which was just down. I looked at the time and I have an hour left till classes start.

Me being an addict to going to school early. With not that much of people are yet. It's just peaceful and relaxing. Not many people walking.

I walk out of the room went to the front door and headed to the car. Ace opened the back door of the SUV and I thanked him. The car started to move and it had already gone out the gate.

I watched as the cars pass by. There weren't that many since it was too early before rush hour. Rain drops started dropping to the window. It's raining... While watching more of the rain drops going down. I suddenly remembered when I was a kid, I would watch two raindrops falling together and guess who will win. 

My mouth started craving some warm coffee. There's a coffee shop near the campus. One of the places I would go if I wanted to study or read a book while there's no professor. "Ace, can you pass by that coffee shop?" I asked and pointed at the coffee shop. He nodded and turned right. He parked the car and went out to open the door for me. 

"Thank you." I held the hand that he was offering me. We both walk together to the cafe and walk straight to the counter. There was still a person ordering so I just looked around while waiting. I noticed there weren't many people today. Normally, it would be many, especially in the morning. 

"Hi, ma'am! Welcome to Sunrise Cafe. What can I get you?" The girl who looked around her teenager said in an energetic tone.

"I'll have an Espresso, please." I look at Ace who was on my right side. "How 'bout you?" I asked him.

He just shook his head and I nodded. Maybe he doesn't like coffee. 

The girl kept looking at Ace while tapping on the monitor. Well, it's obvious that he really is good. His jawline is perfect, eyes, nose, lips... Everything looks perfect. I paid the girl and we both sat in the corner.

"So... Do you have class today?" I asked him to start a conversation since it was getting awkward. 

"Yes..." his voice is deep and cold. 

I just nodded and played with my fingers. It's a habit when I get bored. I have no idea why though. Someone called my name and Ace stood up to get it. It took a while, so I tried to peek why is it taking long. He's talking to the girl from the counter a while ago. I'm gonna guess she's going to ask for his number. 

After a while, he came back with my coffee and placed it in front of him instead of mine. "Um... Okay, you can have it. I'll just order another one" I said and stood up. But he held my wrist and told me to sit again. Which I did...

"I'm just checking if it's safe," he said and started checking the coffee and looking at it seriously. I chuckled at the sight and stopped when he stared at me. 

"Sorry..." I said. I just couldn't help it. His face looked funny while he was staring at the coffee seriously. He should be a detective.

He pushed the coffee to me and I thanked him. I sipped it and I let out a deep sigh. The taste was heaven. The coffee was made perfectly. I placed the mug back down and grab my phone from my tote bag and checked who texted me since I heard it chimed. 

While checking, Ace suddenly lean forward and wiped the side of my lip with a tissue. I sat there frozen from his action. I stared at him and just placed the tissue back on the table. 

"Sorry, you have something at your..." He pointed at his side lip and I came back to my senses. 

And again... I felt the same thing I felt yesterday when he held my hand and asked if I was okay. Tickling and also feel like twisting. 

Am I?......

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