Chapter 21 - A Fathers Love

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The sun shone brightly down on the group of riders following the woodland path. Percival and Gwaine led the way with the others following closely behind.

"I hope Adela is okay," Nyx spoke to her husband walking beside her.

"Princess Adelaide knows this kingdom better than anybody, I'd be more worried for the soldiers that don't know she's coming," Leon giggled, turning to see the others smiling, apart from Percival who was lost in his own thoughts.

"Percival, she will be fine," Gwaine comforted.

"I hope so," he coldly replied, kicking his horse into a trot up the hill.

The group came into a clearing with a small campfire smouldering in the centre. Gwaine pulled up his horse and began to dismount, then carefully ran to see how long the fire had been left.

"They are here," he mouthed over to the knights.

"Nyx, Nixie get to higher ground quickly, be quiet," Percival began whispering as quietly as possible, "Rest of you over to Gwaine,"

"Who put you in charge," Leon smiled, raising an eyebrow, "suits you,"

Percival half smiled before dismounting and jogging over to the camp fire. Turning to check the girls had gone, they were out of sight.

"Now what," Gwaine questioned.

"They come to us," Percival replied grasping his sword in his hands, "be ready,"

Suddenly a large group of bandits emerged from the trees surrounding the knights. Holding their swords at the ready the knights began to fight, killing one after another.

Leon swung his sword from left to right, raking the tip across the bandits shield. He brought back his blade quickly to parry a counterattack, then launched one of his own, which cut the air, landing in the bandits chest.

Another bandits quickly launched himself at the recovering knight, taking him by surprise, knocking the sword from his hand. The other knights were unable to reach him to help.

"Any last words," the bandits called out. Leon closed his eyes as he continued to try break free.

Nyx hidden up the high banking emerged from the top to see Leon struggling. Without even thinking she pulled the dagger from her belt jumping into the air. Landing on the bandits back she pierced the dagger into his neck.

"Not my husband," Nyx whispered into the man's ear. Before pulling the dagger and throwing it into another bandits chest who was making a run for her.

"I didn't know you were that good at fighting," Leon spoke holding his hand out to help Nyx to her feet.

"I have many skills," Nyx winked back, "I'll show you some when we get home," she laughter before running over to aid Elyan.

Leon watched her running off not paying attention to his surroundings once again, before watching an arrow soar past his eyes. He followed the arrow as it sunk into a bandits neck.

"Stop watching her arse and watch your back," Nixie shouted down from the banking. Leon looked up shrugging his shoulders before jogging off holding his sword in the air for another attack.

The knight through blows taking the bandits out, finally taking the victory. Looking around they settled their swords back into their belts.

"We'll make camp here, begin again in the morning. I'll go get fire wood," Percival spoke out before wandering into the trees. Gwaine began to go with him before being pushed back by Nixie as she came into the camp grounds.

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