Chapter 11 - Somethings Can't Be Taken Back

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"GWAINE, COME BACK HERE!" Adela screamed after the fast running, long hair bozo, that made his way down the corridors away from the screaming first lady of Camelot. She finally was able to start putting weight on her leg.

"You are not allowed to run, Physicians orders," Gwaine called back to her.

"Then you will want me to get Percival, or my father," Adela spoke out edging closer. Widening his eyes, he stopped running suddenly causing Adela to bump right into him. Falling right of their feet, they landed front to back and upside down.

"Now I can kill you, right after I catch my breath," Adela said to him. Turning his head, he looked at her and laughed, knowing Adela was joking.

"You have your father's smile you know," Gwaine told her looking towards her pink lips. She turned and made a smile and giggled, "And your mothers eyes." He looked up into her blue eyes

"You knew my mother?" Adela asked as she sat up as the speed of light. Gwaine in slight delay sat up and nodded.

"Yes, you look a lot like her. Arthur has told me that countless times, and I know that it is true," Gwaine replied. She grinned and began to giggle.

"Was she good at fighting?" Adela questioned looking over to the smiling knight.

"She was always good with a sword and her bow, the one Arthur gave to you. When Arthur and her were training she did exactly what you do when fighting Percival. He sees so much of your mother in you, more than you realise," Gwaine answered back to her. She smiled as she thought.

Gwaine pushed up to his feet and stretched right out, making groans. Adela watched as he pushed his hands up above his head. Gwaine opened an eye and looked down at her. He reached down to the lady in blue, he held her hands helping her up to her feet.

"You are so beautiful, and you will make a great queen on day," Gwaine said as he let go of her hands. She smiled and hide her face slightly.

"Thank you Gwaine. I think I should go find Percival now," Adela replied. slowly turning away she felt a warm hand grab onto her arm spinning her round.

Then next few seconds were a blur until she realised what was actually happening. She deepened her eyes and pushed aside Gwaine, taking steps away from him.

"What the hell was that," Adela spoke out, paranoid about what will happen.

"Adela I'm sorry, don't tell anyone, please," Gwaine replied, as he moved closer.

"Stay away from me. STAY AWAY!" Adela screamed tears pouring from her eyes. Gwaine stopped holding his hands up, he turned away.

"I didn't mean to do this," Gwaine whispered to himself regretting everything.

"You lead me down here, on purpose," Adela shouted back to him, her body tensed and a sudden flash filled her body. Gwaine turned in that moment to see Adela's eyes flash golden. He flew back hitting hard against the wall, knocking him unconscious.

Adela panicked and quickly running off in the direction of the courtyard.


Finally after three days the five had eventually returned to the safety of their home, on the city of Camelot. Nixie rode ahead of the other four halting just in front of the steps leading into the castle. As soon as the stable hand was holding the tall horse, she dismounted and began to take the tack off.

"Leon, tonight can we go for a moonlit walk. As it is an year since we first met," Nyx asked as she watched him dismount his horses and walk over to her.

"Of course, we will leave at sun down," Leon replied helping her off the horse and kissed her check.

Suddenly out of one ear, Nixie turned around looking for where the faint cry was coming from.

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