Chapter 16 - As If He Were Dead

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Once again the horses feet landed hard on the woodland pathes twisting through the trees of the forest of Balor, Arthur and his knights rode as fast as their horses could take them. They had to find Gwaine.

After a long days ride and as the sun was setting, the search party stopped to rest, and pick up where they finished in the morning. Merlin carried some pots and food over to the fire, that Lancelot was lighting.

"Will we find him?" Merlin asked as he placed a pot on the fire.

"I dearly hope so," Lancelot said, then sat back against one of the large logs surrounding the camp fire.

Leon and Mordred had returned from collecting wood and dropped it against the fire. All the knights were sat around the fire waiting on their food Merlin made over the bright fire.

Arthur lay back looking up at the night sky, the knights and Merlin all did the same, and they slowly drifted off to sleep.

The sound of twigs snapping metres away was suddenly heard. Merlin's eyes opened as he heard it again. He shook Arthur awake and got to his feet. The sound could be heard again. One by one the knights awoke reaching for their swords.

"What is it?" Mordred asked.

"Sounds like it's coming from over there," Percival said to the others.

They all spread out to close in on what it was that was hidden in among the trees.

They had surrounded their target and closed in on it. The rustling of the grass, got louder as they got closer to the thick tall grass.

Arthur signalled the knights and they all quickly shot forward holding swords against the skin of the body that lay in the greenery.

"Gwaine," Leon said shocked at the sight of him, he had cuts down his sides, his back and across his face, "someone help me," Lancelot ran over to help, putting Gwaines arm around his shoulders.

They brought him over to the fire for Merlin to take a closer look at him,

"We have to get him back to Gaius." Merlin said examining Gwaines wounds. 

"Percival ride ahead, get him back, Merlin go with him," Arthur spoke. Percival nodded picked up the almost dead body and carried it to his horse. He lay the body over the front of the saddle, before getting on himself and Merlin clambered onto his.

"Merlin make sure they get back," Mordred spoke handing him a water skin before both men beginning to gallop for Camelot.


The moon lit up the path leading the horses up the city to the cobble stone courtyard. The stable hands were ready to take the horse from Percival and Merlin when they stopped and got off their horses.

"I will inform Gaius," Merlin shouted as he ran in the direction of his mentors chambers.

Adela wandered out the castle to see Percival about to get off his horse.

"You found him," she called out to him as she ran down the stone stairs. Adela held Gwaines lifeless body still as Percival climbed down.

"I need to get him to Gaius quick," He pulled Gwaine down from his horse and carried to body to the chamber of the court physician.

They reached he physicians chambers and burst through the door. He placed the body of the knight onto the the bed and stood back to let Gaius into look at him. Merlin was stood preparing a sort of paste for Gaius.

"His wounds are bad, and he has a strong fever, I will clean and bandage the wounds. But then I will have to wait until the morning,"

"Will he pull through," Percival asked as Gaius collected bandaged from a nearby bench.

"We will not know till morning," the physician replied. "Percival would you take him to his chambers, he will be more comfortable there."

The large knight leaned down to pick up his friend. Slowly standing back up he turned to the door that Adela already had open, "Thank you Gaius," he said as he left the room.


The sun shone through the large window, Adela opened her eyes to her husband lying next to her snoring peacefully. She rested her lips on his. Deepening the kiss Percival slowly woke and pulled her in closer.

"Percival, we need to go check in with Gwaine," Adela pushed him away, giggling getting out of the large bed. She walked over to the screen putting on her red dress that her chain mail sat on top of. Walking out from behind the screen she watched as Percival rose to his feet.

"I hope Morgana didn't torture him to much," Percival lowered his head putting his bracers around his wrist.

Adela walked to the large table to put on her chain mail, turning back to her tall husband coming into view from behind the pillars. "Let's go," Adela smiled over to his husband. She held her hand out for Percival. Taking hold of her small hand they walked out the room.

Walking down the corridor they came to the knights chamber hearing voices talking. Peering around the open door they could see Gaius and the king talking with the bed ridden nobleman.  They edged in trying not to disrupt the conversation.

"She held me in her castle, torturing me." Gwaine spoke.

"Did she want information," Arthur asked.

"She wanted to know about Adelaide," Gwaine replied.

"What did she want to know about me," Adela asked.

"She asked lots of questions, and.." he looked down, not wanting to make eye contact with the princess.

"She prophesied, that you were a true danger to the kingdom." Gwaine replied. "She said that you had magic, and you were going to use it to bring either peace to the kingdom, or bring Camelot to its knees. You have a big part to play in the future of the kingdom,"

Adela took a step back, edging away from Percival. Her eyes widening. "I'm not a danger, it is me.. I couldn't hurt Camelot," looking down at her hands she began to shake.

"Adela calm down," Arthur slowly edged closer. "I don't believe you would hurt Camelot,"

Looking up towards her father, she shook her head, he hands bean to trembling even more.  Adela was feeling power she had not felt before, putting her hands to her head she began to scream. Percival and Arthur rushed to her, but Adela backed away from the, before running quickly out the room.

"ADELA!" Percival shouted running after her, the king following behind.


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