Chapter 10: Stuffy Sunflower

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The plants were having a party and everyone was happy. There was Fruit Punch and plants food but mostly tacos. Disco Chomper had already seemed like he was having an awesome time but she didn't want to point it out to him or anyone. She looked over to her side to see Count Chompula talking to Plasma Pea about something. Or someone.

But she still wondered where Commando Pea had gone. He said he would be back, surely he would be here by now. Maybe he was kidnapped and the zombies took his brains! She walked up to Chompula to ask where Commando Pea was. He said he didn't know. "I'll go look for him", she said. "You should come with me." He nodded and followed him to the entrance of the plant's base.

As soon she walked out, Chompula told her to stop and be still. She did as he told. Vampire Flower must've known what Stuffy Sunflower didn't because she also came out of the plant's base. She noticed Chompula silently sniffing the air. "We're not alone." "RUN!", Vampire Flower shouted. But as she started to run, she was frozen within seconds. So were Chompula and Vampire Flower.

When they were unfrozen, Chompula said, "You two get help!" And the two Sunflowers ran back in the plant's base to get assistance. Vampire Flower was running towards Plasma Pea and Stuffy Sunflower went up to Alien Flower and Disco Chomper. "I need your help", she panted. "In fact, i need everyone's help. There's a Yeti attacking us at our base!"

Some plants heard and immediately followed her to the plant's base. There was Plasma Pea, Disco Chomper, and Alien Flower and they were all coming to help defeat the Yeti.

As she got to the entrance she seen Chompula gripping his teeth onto the Yeti's white fur, about 2 deep scratches and 2 weak ones. The Yeti shook himself and Chompula's grip had slipped. The Yeti grabbed Chompula's stem and threw him at a trash can. His furless hands had holes in them where blood dripped out. The Yeti had seemed to forget that Chompers always had thorns on their stems.

His head was stuck in the trash can for a little while, so the rest of the plants fought the Yeti. Disco Chomper had hopped the Yeti so it could slow down, And everyone else had used their primary weapons. But even though the Yeti was surrounded why plants, he had decided to come after Stuffy Sunflower. Count Chompula had finally gotten the trash can off of his head and looked around for the Yeti. But as soon as he had seen him, the Yeti raked his icy cold, sharp claws against Stuffy Flower, and she stumbled and started to lose consciousness. Before her eyes shut, she seen Disco Chomper scream in pure terror and run back to the plant's base. Coward.

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