Chapter 22. The Truth About The Phoenix's

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Izuku woke up in the same dark void that Fawkes lives in and he saw said Phoenix sitting before a ball of flames that was flickering White/Gold and Black.

"Oh hey Fawkes what's up?" Said Izuku wondering why Fawkes brought him here.

"Izuku it's time we talked and you learned the full truth about your powers" said Fawkes looking at him seriously.

"What do you mean?" Said Izuku sitting down across from him "your my quirk so what do you mean learn the full truth".

"..I'm not actually your quirk, the only quirk you do have is One For All. I'm a Phoenix and when I saw you when you were born I had a vision that you shall be the one to defeat 'him' and so I made myself appear as your quirk".

"I... What.. so your not a quirk then what?..".

"I'm a Phoenix, my kind has been alive way before humans ever existed and we helped keep the world in balance but then humans were created and at first we paid them no mind. But over time they changed and started declaring war on each other and we tried to stop them but they ignored us and when we thought that was bad... Some of us were consumed by evil by 'him' and then we had to fight each other and it wasn't long before it was only me and other Phoenix that was left alive".

"Wait who's the other Phoenix and who's this 'him'?" Said Izuku looking at Fawkes confused still since this was completely new and changed everything.

"My older sister... She's the other Phoenix and she fell to darkness and was consumed by the lust of power that the flames of hell give you, for as the saying goes 'you look into the abyss long enough then the abyss looks back'".

"Tell me about the history of the Phoenix's I need to understand what's going on and why only now your telling me the truth" said Izuku.

Fawkes got sat on the ground and next to him an rainbow of different flames appeared before it showed a beautiful mountain range with lush forest's and rivers going through it. "This is where we once lived and we traveled the world from here to see it and help keep everything in balance in a sense. But of course we weren't arrogant enough to think we were in charge of the world, so we simply helped the world and helped humans we viewed as worthy of our help, hence why you have tales of Phoenixs in the world that healed wounds or helped great heroes.

But we also knew that humanity was a truly evil species so we kept our space from them up to the point we were just myths or stories you'd tell your kids to put them to sleep.

We continued to watch and then some humans were consumed by the darkness of their hearts and craved our power so they tried to take it but we were to powerful for them to defeat so they did something they should never have done".

"What did the humans do?" Said Izuku looking at the flames before he gaze went back to Fawkes.

"They released the basilisks and the one they serve, 'The Basilisk Demon' he is the only thing that can kill Phoenixs and he used his wisdom and cunning to trick humans along with some of our own species. It wasn't long before we saw it but by then it was too late and we began fighting each other in a bloody war that turned great forest's into desert wastelands or we boiled great lakes into nothing".

"Wait the basilisk exists!?!?" Said Izuku, he's read old books and it talked about the great serpent who's venom was so toxic you'd die within a minute or less from a single drop. If you looked into it's eyes you'd drop dead on the spot and it was said that if a Phoenix looked into it's eyes they'd permanently die as well.

"Yes, they are very powerful evil creatures that were twisted by the darkness that lays in everyone's heart and they let it consume them and now they seek nothing more than to kill us all and make all of humanity their food source for their master".

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