Chapter 2 : Revenge Unleashed: Zara's Return

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"Though with their high wrongs I am struck to the quick, Yet with my nobler reason 'gainst my fury Do I take part. The rarer action is In virtue than in vengeance."

- William Shakespeare , The Tempest , Act V, Scene I


The drama unfolds with a swirl of eye-rolling and suppressed laughter, the scene quickly descending into chaos. Both men caught off-guard, their expressions a mixture of shock and bewilderment, while the woman previously adorning Derek's lap now finds herself ungracefully on the floor. My laughter breaks free, unable to contain my amusement at the spectacle.

"Zara?" My father's expression is one of complete astonishment

"I came out of your balls, you better recognize me." 

He chuckles, a mixture of disbelief and relief coloring his tone, "My Zara is back " 

"In the flesh," I affirm.

The room's tension momentarily breaks as the woman, now standing, clears her throat demandingly.

"Derek, shouldn't you introduce us?" Her voice clings as much as she does to his arm.

"And why would that be necessary?" Derek retorts, his eyebrow arching in surprise.

"We're dating . It's only natural I know who's who in your life."

" Da - What... ?" His disbelief is palpable, his brow nearly reaching his hairline. "Since when?"

Her laugh rings hollow as she insists, "Come on, don't play dumb. Introduce me."

Reluctantly, Derek gestures towards her, "Zara, this is—Bettany?" His guess is met with a frown.

"Stephanie?" He tries again, only to be corrected.

"Uh, Malorie?" His attempts falter, earning him a sharp pinch

"No ? Ah , I give up " he concedes with a chuckle, and the woman storms off, muttering insults under her breath

"You really know how to pick them" I tease  

" Fuck you "

 "You wish"

Without another word, he approaches me his hands wrap around my waist, his lips rest on my forehead and his warm and welcoming smell of sandalwood surrounds me reminding me how much I missed my friend. 

"I missed you, little shit," he mutters. 

 "I missed you too little d-"

Our reunion is cut short by my father's interjection, "Time for a serious chat, kids."

"Wouldn't you rather do this after the party" I arch an eyebrow 

 He rolls his eyes, pulls out a gun and fires it into the air, signaling to everyone that the party is over.Message that goes through very well because soon enough we are the only ones in the house.

"It works too"


 The room's atmosphere shifts as Derek, nonchalant, takes a hit from his blunt, his casual demeanor belying the gravity of our conversation. "Nine years, Zara. What happened, did you get lost?"

"Let's say I had some things I needed to take care of." 

"Did you take care of Nathaniel? What about him? " 

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