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Then Jacob went to see where in part of the beast we are in. He was taking a while then we decided to follow the roo and found out we're in the nostrils.

The beast swam up to reach an island Jacob grabbed his spread.

"What are you going to do?" Maisie asked.

"I'm going to kill it" he said.

"How?" I asked walking up yo him.

Jacob looked at me "I don't know I just get pumped up and king of wing it. I don't want to over think this all right? I'm just gonna kill it."

I don't like the idea "there has to be another way" I told him.

"Afraid not love?"

"Can you just kill it from the inside?" Maisie asked making us look at  her in shock.

Then the monster sneeze is out and Jacob tried so many way to kill it before the bluster leaves us.

I was holding on to Maisie as I walked up to Jacob "you could have killed us?" I shouted.

"I could have killed you? You got it backwards love, I had it dead to rights and she bollocked it up" Jacob said to me

"Dead to rights? I must have been watching a different fight"

"Well we wouldn't have been fighting at all if you have stoped her from cuttings them lines"

"Stop it" Maisie shouts "you two are fighting like a married couple"

"We're not a couple" we said to her at the same time.

Then we decided to find shelter once we did Maisie was asleep I decided to reading her book part of it just doesn't makes sense after what I saw I grew up as a hunter and killing them was all I knew but there has to be more to them than meets the eye.

"The book say the beasts used to come right up to shore that nowhere was safe." I spoke "What if them then things ain't as bad as they say? I mean the sea is their home. We went after her didn't we? What if we just left them alone?"

Jacob glared at me "Delta we kill them because they kill us remember? Do I need to remind you that one of them things took Maisie parents? Should they have just left the monsters alone?"

"I... don't know."

"Her parents died heroes"

"I want to believe that but maybe you can be a hero and still be wrong"

"You're Not making any sense" he said.

"Why did red swallow us?" I asked.

"Oh red is it?"

"She Not it. Maisie thinks it's a she and I think she was protecting us from crow."

"You're both giving the beast way too much credit."

"He was pointing a gun a me and he—"

Jacob interrupts  "He was pointing it at Maisie through you because she cut them lines and you let her and I don't want to argue about it, all right cause I don't want to attract Andy of the multitude of monsters on this island that I wouldn't be on if you hadn't let her cut the lines!"

"So we're not arguing? So what are we doing?" I asked.

"I'm going to gather supplies, we'll take her back to fuel's tonight and when we get back on the ship, we'll finish what we started" he went to walk out.

"don't get killed out there"

"I won't make any promise's"

"Jacob" he stops and turns to face me "promise"

He sighed "all right I promise" then he leaves.

I went to check on Maisie who was still sleeping. I went to lay beside her as she began to cuddle up on me. I was thinking about what if what happened before we kill monster and why. But I was too tired and fell asleep.

Childhood hunters (Jacob holland X non binary OC)Where stories live. Discover now