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I woke up to see Jacob still asleep and went to turn to see Maisie was gone. "Jacob wake up" then he snorts waking up and looks at me "Maisies gone"

"What?!" We went outside to see her holding a... baby bluster "what are you doing?"

"I'm afraid anything I say will upset you" Maisie said.

"You're probably right" he said.

"Just don't Movie" i said slowly walking up to her trying to avoid the eggs.

"I'm sorry but I always wanted a pet" she said.

"That's not a pet" Jacob said following me "it's a monster and we're not keeping it."

"But I already named it."

"Ellet me guess. Blue." We hear Maude groan knowing he was right "you named that one red and this one blue we stay here much longer and we'll have a rainbow of critters that wanna eat us"

I got close to Maisie and looked at blue and picked him up "he's co cute look at this face" I show jacob the baby bluster.

"You and I have a different idea of cute" he grabs blue and throws him. Because picking up Maisie "when we get to geulston, I'll get Maisie a cute and she can name it grey or white, ginger if you like" then jacob accidentally stepped on an egg as they all hatched. "Best be going"

We ran as the baby blusters surrounded us. "Maybe they're boneded to us like geese" Maisie said.

"It's the mother good I'm worried about" jacob said as the mom comes out D we went on the paddle boat and leave. As jacob looks at the map "if we can make it to run pepper island we'll be able to flag a ship dregmorr is thick with monster but don't worry there's one of them things within a mile of us I'll sense it."

Then we saw a creature in front of us "May be a little of your game here" I said to him

The crab looking thing tries to eat us just when red came to our rescue us then all the sudden the boat had a hole and Maisie tries to ask red for help get us out of here and she did as she puts us on her back as she swam.

Maisie was happy and cheerful "the world is wide and you don't know everything"

Childhood hunters (Jacob holland X non binary OC)Where stories live. Discover now