How You Die

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You die with Grace and Diego tries to go in to save you but Klaus hold him back, because Klaus knows he would die too.

You die in the apocalypse and Five asks Klaus to see how you are 24/7.

The Handler kills you and now Klaus sees you as a ghost, so he is happy to see you still.

You was with Five is the future, but Five left without you by accident so you died later on.

You died on a mission against the Handler, so you are now buried next to Ben and you see each other in the afterlife. Klaus is happy to see you too.

You got quite ill recently and Allison knew you wouldn't last long, you peacefully died in your sleep. Same with with Five, she asks Klaus how you are a lot of the time.

When Reggie tested your powers, you was pushed too far and died. Reggie gave Vanya/Viktor pills to forget about their power and that you existed so Vanya/Viktor couldn't protest against him for it.

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