What They Do When You're Insecure

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TW- Does include Self Harm and Eating Disorder. This isn't telling you to stop eating or self harm. Private message me if you want to talk. ♥️

Sorry its all in bold 😂.
Credit to StoriesxTeenWolf for writing half of it.

When you came home after going clubbing, you were crying. Luther immediately notices you crying and pulls you in for a massive bear/ape hug. "What's wrong honey?" Luther asks you concerned. You told him some girls at the club were staring at you then laughing and it made you really insecure. "You're perfect hun, I mean that's just one of the reasons I dated you. Look, in my eyes you're perfect and I wouldn't change anything about you, okay?" He says. "Okay." You went to bed after and cuddled, whilst watching a movie.

One day you felt really insecure, so you went up to Diego to tell him. "Diego?" You asked "You okay baby?" He asked with a concerned look on his face. Once you start crying, he knows it's serious. "Do I need to kill anyone?" He questions. You chuckle slightly, "No, I'm just feeling very insecure." You say, your smile disappearing. "Oh baby, I'm sorry you feel that way, do you need me to show you how beautiful you are?" He asked with a smirk on his face. Picking up what he meant you nodded quickly. He picks you up and takes you upstairs. ✨You know what happen next.✨

This woman would know when you're insecure, because she would feel insecure sometimes to. "Hey sweety, you okay?" She asked you with worry laced in her voice. "Yeah, just insecure, that's all." You replied calmly but with a hint of sadness. "Oh sweetheart, come here." She said, she opened her arms and you ran straight into them hugging her tightly. "You have no idea how much I love you."You say with your head buried in her neck. "And I love you too, you have nothing to be insecure about, let's go watch a movie with Claire, alright?" She replies. "Okay, but I'll pick a kids film because I'm not watching Frozen again!" Allison just laughs and gives you a peck on the lips before going to set up movie night.

When Klaus knows you're insecure he will turn into a human cuddle machine and you absolutely love him for it. Every time you feel insecure, you will c#t your arm/leg because you don't think you're pretty. But this time Klaus walks in. "Hey bubs-" He starts to sing, but when he sees your arm/leg with blood on it, his face is covered in worry. "Hey Klaus." You reply quietly as he approaches you. " What happened bubs?" He questions. "I couldn't help it I'm sorry" Klaus came over to me and held my hands. "It's okay, just talk to me if you feel like this. Let's get these cleaned up."

You haven't eaten in 2 days and five didn't really notice at first until he saw you look pale one morning. "Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine" "Have you been eating like we said?" You went silent and five new you hadn't so he made a sandwich and water for you to eat.

Ben always knows when somthing is up so as soon as you started wearing hoodies and jumpers again he knew somthing was wrong "have you done it again?" "I'm sorry I've been stressed about saving the world" "just talk to me, come on let's tidy you up.

Nothing much happens with Vanya/Viktor because they always know before it happens. If it does happen they will help in any possible way to draw you away from what made you do what you did.

If something happens to you Lila will always ask if someone made you feel this way and if someone did she would be the crap out of them most likely killing them. If it wasn't someone she would talk and put a movie on to chill.

Because Sloane and you are travelling the world there isn't a lot of thing that can make you feel negative so sometimes it's just making sure you eat and everything. Always checks on you daily.

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