Water Lily Cookie 🎍🎋💚

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(A/N: still not done lol- also I'm simping too don't worry-)

(A/N: still not done lol- also I'm simping too don't worry-)

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Meet Water Lilly Cookie.. .///////.

Type: Legendary

Sexuality: Poly-Lesbian :)

She's a dragon like Lotus and the others :D She's a beautiful, tall, and seductive women, Making all the ladies in the village simp for her beauty. Water Lily lives at the very top of a snowy mountain where a beautiful hot spring palace is but it's surrounded by a tall walls. Why? Well to protect her 6 wives of course!

How did she get 6 wives? Well because she saved them all from terrible fates. Abandonment, horrible husbands, forced marriages and so on. Of course she killed all those horrible people who treated them bad and decided to help them on by one. Asking if they'd prefer living with her in her palace, some were hesitant. A dragon? Being nice? How strange. Soon they'd say yes and went to live with the dragon. Water Lilly took good care of them. She cleaned there wounds if the were hurt, gave them beautiful and expensive clothes, tons and tons of delicious food she cooks herself. They didn't have to lift a finger after moving in with the dragon, Water lily gave them everything they wanted. She loved spoiling and pampering them as if they all were the most precious things in the world.. and to her they were. Soon they all realized they started to fall in love with the dragon who cared and helped them. They each asked the dragon who she'd marry out of the 6 of them. But the dragon had a better idea, she confessed her love for them all saying she loved them equally and was willing to try a poly with them if they wanted. Now they are all happily married to the dragon and pamper her instead, showing how devoted they are too her and showing that they'll always love one another.

The palace is just full of just endless love and care...💞

Every now and then Water Lily will take one or two wife/wives at a time to see the outside world with her, and usually brings them all with her in her dragon form to her sister's place (Lotus) whenever it's a holiday like Christmas.

A little village lives at the very bottom of the mountain, that's we're the wives were from. The village is quite big and they praise the great Water lily dragon, especially the women cookies. The Village's women are protected by the great dragon, they praise the shrine they have of her and leave offerings for her so the dragon can help them if desperately needed.

It is said that if you leave a moon cake or any pastry outside your doorstep with a candle lit, the dragon will come and eat the pastry. If the dragon does except the offering you will have tons of good luck and fortune...maybe even sometimes a bit of wealth is left on the doorstep if your a poor family. If it doesn't eat the offering, then you'll have bad luck.

She and Lychee get along every well actually. Sure Lychee is a little evil gremlin but she's Water lily's little evil gremlin and she loves her. Lychee likes to climb on her as if she was a jungle gym, (A/N: Water lily's canon height is 8 feet actually, very tall pretty women💞) ends up groping her cleavage by 'accident' making up excuses like.

• 'There in the way!'

• 'how else am I supposed to climb you!?'

• 'not my fault you have them all exposed.'

You may think Lychee is the big flirty one right? Nope it's Water lily is. Always flirting with Lychee and pampering her with kisses and hugs. Lychee enjoys the attention a lot and ends up purring really loudly, I'm sure you know we're Lychee likes to cuddle water lily the most.
If any of Lychee's followers interrupts them or looks over at Water lily even for a split second, she gets all angry and jealous. Ordering them or throwing them out the room they both are in. Water lily is very calm and loving tho, even speaking calms Lychee down.

Basically Lychee is a really really big simp for the dragon. Always sitting on her lap with a big smile on her face as Water lily smoothers her with love. Lychee sometimes doesn't let Water lily go back home to her wives for a few days out of jealousy.

It's cute tho how Water lily gets shy around Rambutan Cookie, she admires her at how she's an amazing tribe leader. Sometimes doesn't have the courage to talk to her and flees way in her dragon form if the leader gets to close to her

Relationship chart:

Lotus Dragon Cookie: "My dear sister, I care for you so much. I hope everything thing is fine back home" [ Family ]

Lychee Dragon Cookie: "My adorable little sweetie~ I'll see you soon my love~" [ ?¿?¿? ]

Pitaya Dragon Cookie: "Your a funny one, is your tail still fine my dear friend? By the way I love your fluffy hair" [ Friendly ]

Ananas Dragon Cookie: "I think you like that Pineapple soda cookie. It's cute actually" [ Friendly ]

Longan Dragon Cookie: " ... " [ Neutral]

Rambutan Cookie: "What a beautiful and amazing tribe leader.." [ Admiration ]

Pineapple Soda Cookie: "Such a sweet cookie, I'll happily let you explore the palace dearie" [ Friendly ]

Mango Cookie: "What a cute little canoe! You don't mind if I join you in it for a nice relaxing ride around the Islands?" [ Friendly ]

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