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Bully 1: Hahaha! Looser!

Bully 2: Two tailed freak!

Bully 3: You don't belong here!

Young Tails: Please! Stop bulling me!

Tails wept. He disliked being bullied. His parents weren't much help either. He disliked them as well. "Disliked." He disliked that word. Tails's parents had always said that hate was a strong word and shouldn't be said. But to him, dislike wasn't a strong enough word. Tails hated those bullies. He hated his mom. His dad. His whole village! One day, he found them.

Tails: What are those?

He spoke to himself, not a single friend in sight. A shine poke out through a gap in between the trees. His village had a gate made of tree, it was illegal to pass them. But breaking that law was Tails's first step to evil. When he got on the other side, he was amazed. His village was gloomy, full of despair, but outside... Outside was different. Outside was wonderful. Why did they keep it away?

There was a rustling in the bush next to Tails. Tails turned in surprise. He sighed of relief.

Tails: Just a rabbit...

Tails POV: Wait. I'm outside of that barrier!! I can't be here!! But... It's so beautiful...

Tails sighed.

Tails POV: Guess I should really head back... But what was that shine? I swear I saw something...

Rustling in the bushes was heard again.

Tails POV: Probably just another bunny.

But he turned towards the noise anyway. As if something was dragging him. Maybe it was someone?

Out from the bushes came something Tails never expected to see.

Tails: What... What are you?

He crouched down to see the strange thing. It turned it's head up at him.

Tails POV: So much metal... Was this the shiny thing I saw? Is it a robot?

Tails: Are you a robot? The thing from fairy tales?

The robots eyes disappeared and instead came a pixelated "Yes" "But I do not come from Fairy tales." "My master is Eggman, and I need to get back to him." "Do you know where we are, strange creature?"

Tails: W-we're in my village. Do you mean that there's other things out there? Other lifeforms?

Robot: "Yes." "Have you never seen other intelligent lifeforms, strange creature?"

Tails: My name is Tails. And I have, but I didn't know there were more. I was told we were the only ones.

Robot: "That is most fascinating." "Please hold, Doctor wishes to talk to you."

Tails: Wait! How do you know that?

Robot: "He told me himself."

Tails: Where is he?

Robot: "Incoming call. Incoming call. Incoming call. Incoming call. Incoming call. Incoming call."

Tails: Ok ok! Stop! Answer?

Robot: "Answering call."

Eggman: You're a smart one.

Tails: Who are you? Why is your face here? Where is the rest of you?

Tails tapped the screen.

Eggman: I'm Eggman. This Robot's master. And this is a call.

Tails: Why am I smart?

Eggman: As dumb as it is, most people have no idea how to answer calls because they've never seen technology before.

Tails: That's kinda stupid...

Eggman: Here. Think of this image that I'm showing you, and throw a ring. Then walk through it.

The robot's arm extended, holding a bag of rings. An image of Eggman's base popped up on the screen. Tails grabbed the rings and took a deep breath.

Tails: Where am I going?

Eggman: You'll be teleported here. I have many questions for you.

Tails: Will I ever come back?

Eggman: As long as you remember this place, you will always be able to return.

Tails: Ah- Ok.

He took another deep breath and through the ring. It opened to the place he had seen in the image. There, Eggman was standing.

Eggman: Great work. Do me a favor and grab the robot too, please.

Tails grabbed the robot and entered the rings. Eggman hung up the call, and they just stared in silence. Tails admired the surroundings.

Eggman: Cool, isn't it?

Tails: It's so amazing...

Eggman: So tell me about your village. What did you mean when you said you thought no one else existed?

Tails: That's what they teach us. They teach us so many things, and I'm starting to think that half of them are wrong.

Eggman: I see. Where were the others? My robot spotted no one, just a wall of trees.

Tails: We're not supposed to go outside of the wall. I broke a law doing that.

Eggman: Ah. Very impressive. I think, that you would make a wonderful villain.

Tails: Villain? You mean the people from fairy tales?

Eggman: Well, sort of. But we are real.

Tails: But villains are evil!

Eggman: All villains have their reasons to become what they are. What would your's be?

Tails thought for less then a second, almost as if he had been waiting his whole life to answer this one question.

Tails: So many people have wronged me, In my life. Lied to me. I want to get back at them. They called me a freak.

Eggman: Very good. So, what do you think?

Tails: Alright. I want to become a villain.

Eggman: Good. We'll start with your first lesson to steal from this little bakery.

A few years passed and Tails was Eggman's most respected henchmen. When Eggman was badly injured while falling off of his robot, (sonic movie two lol) Tails took over the base and made sure everyone was working and doing their job. Eggman's name was still feared, but he wanted revenge on that stupid little hedgehog. Tails had never seen the hedgehog, but he had learned to hate him and his friends. When Knuckles turned to Sonic's side, Tails was frustrated. Tails felt the same anger Eggman did. So one day they planned their revenge.

The plan was set. The plan went perfectly. Eggman began his monologue.

Eggman: Hello folks of Green hills! Your little blue friend is mine now. You really thought this was the end? Oh no, I'm back. And with a new henchman by my side.

Evil Secrets at Night- Sontails/Knuxonic/Shadtails [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now