Chapter 2

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Setting: Eggman's base on mushroom planet; Holding cells

Tails: Wake up cutie!

Sonic opened one eye to look at the two tailed fox.

Tails: I'm taking you on a date, let's go.

Sonic stood up. He shook his head no.

Tails narrowed his eyes.

Tails: I said let's go. You have no power here hedgehog.

Tails grabbed him and walked out of the base, careful not to let him escape.

They walked to a nearby cave.

Sonic grumbled.

Tails sat him down and took of his gag and uncuffed him.

He smiled and his tails wagged back and forth.

Sonic looked up.

Sonic: You're foolish for doing this, you know I can easily run away.

Tails: But you haven't.

Sonic grumbled and Tails smirked.

Sonic: Why are you doing this, I show no love to you.

Tails just gave a faint smile.

Tails: When I was younger, I was never selfish. Even when I was bullied by my village for being born with two tails.

Sonic gave a guilty look.

Tails: I'm just done being unselfish, it's so much better now.

Sonic: I- didn't know.

Tails: I know. Ever since I joined Eggman, life has been so much better. He may not be the best, but he saved me from that village.

Sonic: You know, you can join the good side. We'll treat you like family!

Tails ears flattened to the sides of his head and his eyes widened.

Tails: A family!?

Sonic: Yeah...?

Tails: So you want to treat me like trash, huh? No way am I joining your stupid good guy family.

Sonic: What? That's not what a family means.

Tails: Can we drop this subject? I want to focus on how cute you are.

Sonic pov: God damn this fox!

Sonic groaned.

Tails: Aw, you upset? Don't worry.

Tails pet Sonic on the head.

Sonic just sat there, not amused in any way, shape, or form.

Sonic pov: So talking to him didn't work. Guess it's time for plan B.

Sonic stood up.

Tails: Where are you going?

Sonic dashed away quickly.

Tails: God damnit!

Tails quickly stood up and flew away after Sonic.

Sonic was fast, but due to not running for a few days, Tails was faster. Tails easily caught up to him and grabbed him, putting the cuffs on his hands and legs back in place.

Sonic growled at Tails.

Tails: C'mon darling, we're heading back to base. You've been a naughty boy...

Sonic: I'm not amused by your shit.

Tails smirked. He replaced the gag again.

Tails: Soon enough, you won't be able to run away from me. You're losing your speed today, so we'll try this again tomorrow.

Sonic: MMM!?

Tails chuckled.

Tails took off the gag for one second, he wanted to hear Sonic's beautiful voice again.

Sonic: I- I thought you loved me...

Tails: What? I do.

Sonic: You're just gonna let me loose my speed?

Tails: Well, then you won't run away from me, and it's not like you love me back anyway.

Tails put the gag back on and they continued walking.

Sonic thought the whole way there, also mumbling random things through the gag.

Tails: Alright, back in you go.


Tails: Ugh, fine! What do you want?

Tails took off the gag.

Sonic: But I do love you!

Evil Secrets at Night- Sontails/Knuxonic/Shadtails [Discontinued]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora