Chapter 9

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Rachel: Randall!? Who the **** is at the door!?

No response.

Rachel let go of Tails and ran towards the door.

Rachel: HOW DAR-

A loud thump.

Knuckles let go of Tails. Tails quickly flew away.

Knuckles: Damn it Fox!

Knuckles chased after Tails leaving Maddie and Tom by themselves.

Tom: Whoever's there, I am a cop! You will be arrested for breaking into a house!

???: Funny how you think that I below you. I AM ABOVE YOU.

He turned the corner.

Maddie: Knuckles, help!

Tom: You will be arrested for this! Get out of my ho- MADDIE!!! YOU WILL BE ARRES-


Knuckles and Tails pulled to a stop.

Knuckles: I've got to go back...

Tails: Then go. No one's stopping you.

Tails ran off. Knuckles, angered at this action, forgot about the others and raced after him. As Knuckles approached the attic stairs Tails slammed the door in his face. Sonic and Jojo were nowhere to be seen.

Tails: Sonic, dear!?

Sonic popped up.

Sonic: Tails? What is the sound down there? Me and Jojo are hiding.

With that, Jojo popped out.

Knuckles: Sonic!!!! Sonic run!! I'll take care of him!

Tails whipped around. Knuckles had opened the hatch and was now in the attic. He closed the door behind him to stop whatever had been downstairs.

Sonic: Wait no you don't understand!

Knuckles: And what don't I understand. That this fox is a problem? I noticed.


Sonic: No. I invited him here.

Knuckles: What?

Sonic: Tails is my boyfriend.

Tails smirked.

Tails: Damn right I am.

Tails walked over and hugged Sonic. Sonic blushed.

Knuckles: What.

Jojo: Yeah it's cute isn't it?

Knuckles didn't say anything.

Sonic: Gonna be honest, forgot you were there.

Tails: Wow. Good relationship, am I right?

Sonic: Oh be quiet.

Jojo: My feelings.

Sonic: I'm so sorry!

Sonic tired to struggle out of Tails's grip.

Tails: No. Mine.

Sonic: Tails, let go.

Tails: Fine.

Tails let go and Sonic walked over to Jojo.

Sonic: Sorry about that.

Sonic hugged her.

Tails pulled Sonic back. Sonic sighed.

Jojo: So, what is downstairs?

Tails: Oh right.

Tails turned back towards Knuckles. He was still standing there speechless.

Knuckles: When. YOU CAN'T DO THAT!

Sonic: Knuckles, I love who I love. You can't do anything about that!

Knuckles: It's wrong! He's a villain, you're a hero!

Tails: God damnit, can we focus on the fact that something is in your house?

Sonic: Right. Knuckles, what is it?

Knuckles: I don't know. But I have a feeling it's Eggman, and this fox lured him here!

Sonic: He would never!

Then Knuckles eyes widened.

Knuckles: Oh, I get it. Sonic, just admit that you never loved him! You're safe!

Sonic: What? I love him.

Tails: Y-yeah.

Tails adverted his eyes.

Knuckles: No you don't! You can drop the act!

Sonic: Knuckles, I love him. I don't know what you're talking about.

Tails started to sweat. Knuckles wasn't telling the truth. Was he?

Knuckles: Sonic, don't you remember? You were using him to get out of Eggman's base!

Sonic froze.

Tails: W-What? He's lying, right?

Sonic: Y-yeah. He is. I never said that.

Knuckles: You could ask Maddie and Tom! They know that I'm speaking the truth. I don't know why you're still keeping up the act, you're out of his base.

Then Knuckles froze.

Knuckles: Oh. He's about to get you again. I- I'm sorry. I blew your cover.

The gears turned in Tails's head. It all made sense. Sonic had started acting strange as soon as Knuckles had brought it up. Why else would he have been continuing the lie?

Tails: I hate you. You played me hedgehog!

Sonic: No Tails!

Tails: You only want me so you can escape. Eggman!!

Sonic: Tails no!

Tails called drones in that kept Knuckles and Jojo busy.

Tails: He's up here! I'm bringing him down!

Sonic: Tails...

Tails: Shut up, faker.

Evil Secrets at Night- Sontails/Knuxonic/Shadtails [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now