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Messy's P.O.V

I punch her in the face over and over again until I felt arms wrap around me they picked me up and held on to me.

"I fucken told you I wasn't playin bitch." I said and spat in her blonde hair. As my dad pulled her away from me, I felt someones breath on the back of my neck.

"Messy calm down." It was Jax he was whispering in my ear like that is going to help me right now I have just hit the out of the mother fucking control button and I am not stoping here.

"You don't get to tell me what to Jackson I would let go of me right now." He didn't say a thing he just held me.

"I fucken told you to let go of me." I kick behind me and he lets go, I run from his hold and find my Dads bike he still has the keys in it and of course I am going to jack it.

I jump on and just ride people telling me to calm down pfft no I am my own person I do what I want when I feel like it they can't do jack shit about it.

My Life.

My choices.

My Mistakes.

Not your Business.

Man I should so get that tatted on me next too some skulls and shit, damn they are going to look mean.

I heard more bikes behind me and people yelling the 2 voices I hear the most are Jax's and Alex's I have to keep going to get away from the voices they can't tell me what to do anymore.

I ride though ally ways and they are all still behind me, why can't the guys just leave me be on my own but no I think it was Alex who did this he is always trying to change and shape me in ways I don't want to be shaped and changed in.

I oull the finger and go faster then I thought I was going. BANG.

Jax's P.O.V.

Watching that bike fall over was whag I never wanted to see, I might have only meet her but what she is like with the boys is awesome they are finally having fun and starting to love life again.

We all ran up to her Happy jumped out of the Van and rolled her over so she is looking back at us. She opens her eyes and looks at as like she didn't know where she was.

"Fuckers." She said then passed out on the floor.

"Hap take her to the hospital we will clean this mess up." He picks her up and walks back to the Van and puts her in the back, they drive off and it is just Juice, Bobby, Chibs, Quinn, Tig and me of course.

"Pick up the bike, call TM and get the tow track out here I'm going to see my boys." I jump back on my bike and ride back I see Gemma with Able in her arms.

I walk over and put him in my arms. "Whats wrong buddy?" I asked him.

"Messy said that she would never leave us and now she is gone." He said almost crying.

"Its okay buddy she just had to let of some anger like when you see Daddy punching things." He nods.

"Yeah that's the same thing but she ran out so then you and Tommy would never see that." I said to him, he nodded his head.

"So why do you like her so much?" I asked him, Able looked into my eyes and smiled.

"Because she is warm and fuzzy when I see her I feel better about Mommy being gone, when she is around Tommy likes to be held." Able said like a big boy.

"That's cute buddy, go to the car we are going to see Messy she got in some trouble and we need to be there for her right now." He runs out to the car where Gemma and Nero are already waiting for him.

Tig's P.O.V.

I told them that she was going to have a break down weather they like it or not and she did.

Suckers didn't want to listen to me.

Happy's P.O.V.

I am sitting with my daughter she is in the hospital bed with cuts all over that flawless face of hers, the doctor's put her back on the Meds so she is knocked out cold.

Jax walks in with the boys Able hops onto Martys bed and Tommy sits on her stomach playing with her hair. Jax looks at her with this look I have only seen him give Terra, hmm don't know how to tell if he wants for or not though.

"Is Messy going to be okay?" Able asked me.

"She is going to be fine but she is going to be sleeping for a while." I said back to him.

"So she isn't going to leave us like our Mommy did?" He asked again.

"No little man like hell I am going tk leave you I made a promise didn't I." Marty said as she was waking up.

"You quick they said you would be out until tomorrow." I said to her

"Everytime they give me the same stuff I wake up quicker everytime and good thing I did my little man is here." She said back to me.

I look over at Jax and he is smileing at her, this is the first time I have seen the boys have fun and laugh like normal kids do.

But then again none of us here are normal, Jax looks up ag the window of the room and he sees Tig standing there looking like a freak.

Marty looked at him and pulled the finger yet agian and he just shook his head and walked away from the room.

"If he tells you to lock me back up don't listen to him I have gone though enough of that with him." She said with so much hatered in her voice.

"Is that what he did to you locked you back into a mental hospital?" Jax asked her.

"If he did baby girl we swear to never let that happen again." I said to her.

"Yeah well you know now he go me put back in that place twice every time I get out I see his ugly mug. I was in there for 3 years before I came to you, and he did that to me." Marty said hugging Able so then she doesn't have to look at us.

"Well that ain't going to happen again Messy." Jax said grabbing her hand in the process.

Messy's P.O.V.

"You guys have been so good to me even though I have onlu known you for 2 days." I said alnost crying.

"Baby girl we are family of course we are going to look after you the best we can." My Dad said with the first warm simile I have seen him give.

Messy. (Sons of Anarchy)Where stories live. Discover now