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Happy's P.O.V.

It has been a week since she has been in that place, just let me tell you this Tig is still in SOA just not in charming anymore. We couldn't kick him out yes he was a rat and yes he got someone put away but because she had BP it would have looked funny in other places.

Abel has not talked to anyone and Jax goes and sees her when he can. She was only here for a good 3 weeks but everything has changed. When I wake in the morning and don't see her in the kitchen cooking it feels wrong.

We want to get her out but there in no way in hell we can get her out here. I don't even if she is going to be let back out with what she has done.

Warning *trigger scenes*

Messy's P.O.V.

I'm a fuck up, I'm a mess everyone hates me because I can't be like them. Everyone thinks I don't care but I do, I let Abel and Tommy down what are they going to think if me when I get back.

Will I even get back to charming, with my family I don't want to be like this I don't want to be here. I want to be having fun with the kids or chill in with Gemma, better yet I could be with jax gettin it down.

What about my sisters I want to talk to them, I am so much older then them and I want then knowing who I am.

I am in a ball at the end of my bed in my 2x5 meter the people here moved me because I wasn't fit it be with someone in the same room as me. I rock myself back and forth I want to forget what I have done to everyone, I was just around because the doctor asked my dad.

Life for everyone else would be so much better if I wasn't here, nothing would have happened I would have left a little boy crying.

I hear a knock on my door and or opens, I watch Jax walk though. They haven't been letting him in so why are they doing it now.

Jax's P.O.V.

I walk into the room that Messy is being held in they let me come in because she is in a bad why but I didn't know she was going to be this bad.

I look at Messy her once life full eyes have turned into brown orbs of lonleyness. Her full of life hair is greasey and dead, her face is oily and sad she doesn't even smile at me and she does is put her head back down.

My smile drops and I look at the doctor wanting to hurt him, if they never took her she would be like this right now. It is all Tigs fualt and all I could do was kick him from the carter I'm so pissed.

"Marty, my bomb what's wrong?" I ask her she doesn't look up at me and smile like I am so used to seeing her do.

I know nothing is going to work if she is like this so all I do is lie down next to her and hug her. I stay close I was falling so hard for someone so fucked up I didn't mean too I didn't want too but shit happens and you just have to flow.

It has been hours and she is still the same, I got asked to leave and now I have to go. I want to her to stop me I want her to move to eat, she loves food it is hard seeing her like this. I know I have missed a whole day don't even care I want her to feel better.

I look at her the whole time I am walking out kd the room, that's when I see her move she looks up at me and smiles and small smile. I am happy that she is feeling better, I smile back and give her the thumbs up before the people pull me out.

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