Chapter 3 - The Transformation

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It is Morning time The pups are inside eating breakfast Marshall came in all tired and fluffy like he having a bad fur day.

Chase: Morning Marshall *he says happily*

Marshall: *yawn* Hey *with a tired face*

Rocky:  Woah Marshall you don't look so good. 

Marshall: I had a rough night sleep thats all.

Chase: Well here's your breakfast *gives him his breakfast*

Marshall: Oh yummy *eats a bit of it then immediately eats all of it*

Chase: *backs away quickly* goodness Marshall!

Marshall: *licks the crumbs* 

Rubble: Jeez Marshall you sure have a big appitite 

Marshall: *drinks up his water quickly* *burp* Oh yea thats the stuff!

Chase: Wow you were really that thirsty huh?

Marshall: Yea my tongue gets really dry for some reason

Zuma: Not to mention you eat like a wild animal.

Skye: Zuma! *gives him a serious stare*

Zuma: What?! I'm just saying

Marshall's Ears goes down

Chase: *pats his back* Don't worry Marshall your not a wild animal.

Marshall: But how can you explain Last night were I was licking you and teething your arm like what a wolf would do?

Rocky: Not to mention you growled at me aggressively *He says in a scared tone*

Marshall: Oh yea I did do that...

Chase: But that still doesn't make you a werewolf. Even tho if it was weird it doesn't mean anything.

Marshall: ...ok I guess your right

Chase: Alright now let's get done eating so we can play outside

Rubble: Ok!

Marshall: Well I actually want to go out for a bit just to get my mind off things.

Chase: Ok you do that see ya later Marshall!

Marshall: *waves bye to the pups and walks out the lookout*

Skye: *sigh* I'm worried about him Chase. *she said concerned*

Chase: Me too Skye he hasn't been himself since the attack *watches Marshall Walk off* I hope he's ok...

Meanwhile Marshall is walking through the sidewalk with his head down like he looking at the ground but he's just thinking.

Marshall: *sigh* You know I think its good to get out of the lookout tower for a bit the pups do need a break from me thinking I'm a werewolf.

Marshall then bumps into Everest causing him to fall into the ground.

Everest: *guilt* Oops sorry Marshall are you okay?! *lays her paw out to help him up*

Marshall: *rubs his head after that bump* Ugh y-yea I'm ok *gives Everest his paw to help him up*

Everest: Sorry about that I didn't see you *puts her left paw on the back of her head*

Marshall: Its ok *he smiles*

Everest: *curious* So whatcha doing out here? 

Marshall: I'm just taking a walk I haven't really.. been myself for the past couple of days *he said softly*

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