Chatper 5 - Another Attack

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It is the time again, Wolf Marshall was running through the grassfield heading to adventure bay. He had a very furious look on his face he then arrives at a street near to Katie's place. He sees Cali outside playing with her yarn then sees Katie coming out.

Katie: Cali you got 5 minutes till you have to come inside and get ready for bed.

Cali meows happily telling her ok then Katie closes the door. Cali then accidently kicks the yarn to the grassfield so she runs across the street and head over there to get it. After she picks up the yarn with her mouth she suddendly encounters Wolf Marshall as he glares down at her growling showing his big sharp teeth. Cali drops her yarn and trembles in fear making the back of her fur and tail go up. She then backs away slowly as The WereDal continues snarling at her. Then an idea popped up in her head as she remembers when she was a little kitten Katie taught her how to play dead.

 Then an idea popped up in her head as she remembers when she was a little kitten Katie taught her how to play dead

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(Artwork by Tweakjafolf)

She drops to the ground pretending to be lifeless fooling The WereDal as he tilts his head in confusion smelling her hinting that she's dead. He walks off making growling noises Cali opens one of her eyes seeing him walk off confirming that it works. She got up then quietly walks off but while doing so she steps on a stick making it break.


The snap of the stick alerted The WereDal as he instantly turns around and sees Cali not dead. Cali was shaking in fear while Wolf Marshall growls in anger knowing he's been fool then does a big roar.

Wolf Marshall: RAAAWWWRRR!!!!

Cali jumps in fear and runs to Katie's. Wolf Marshall chases after her in full speed as he is much faster then her, he launches at her trying to catch her but Cali dodges making him fall to the ground. She then arrives back to Katie's scratching the door in complete panic Katie sees her and opens the door concerned for her Cat.

Katie: Cali what's wrong?!

Cali meows trying to to tell her that she's being chase by The Wolf Dalmatian trying to mimic him by raising her claws and rawrs.

Katie: C-Cali I-I don't understand what your trying to say, are you saying your being chase by a wild animal or something?

Cali nods rapidly. Katie hugs her cat confronting her.

Katie: It's ok as long as you've made it back alive I won't let anything happen to you-

Wolf Marshall then shows up at the glass door making Cali scream getting Katie's attention.

Wolf Marshall: *growls*

Katie: *gasp in fear*

He growls at them for a bit then starts pounding on one of the glass doors making it break. Katie starts screaming and runs to a room locking her and Cali in. The glass then shatters and The WereDal then growls and starts looking for them.

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