Chapter 7 - The Sleepover

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Marshall POV

It is sunset I was sitting down in front of my pup house watching the sun going down, I've been getting worried about my sleepover with Everest. What if Tracker was wrong about the full moon coming tonight, and I turn and kill Everest and Jake? I just hope he's right. I got up and walked up to my bowl and drinked some water to calm myself down from my panicking. Chase then walked up to me without my suprise while I was drinking my water.

Chase: Hey Marshall.

Marshall: (turns around in shock) Oh hey Chase.

Chase: You ready for you're sleepover with Everest?

Marshall: (shows a fake smile) Yep!

Chase looks at Marshall with a worried expression he starts having the urge to talk to him about his unkown behavior.

Chase: (sigh) Ok look you, Everest and Tracker were all acting very weird around us it's like you're hiding something from us.

Marshall: (scared) N-no no were not! we just want to have a sleepover.

Chase: Yeah a private sleepover!

Marshall: Chase come on it's not what it seems!

Chase: You been acting very weird ever since you came back from Katie's after being attack by that wolf, and then after that Everest and Tracker started acting weird around us. It's like you guys don't even want us around anymore... I'm starting to get the feeling that you being a werewolf is true.

Marshall begin processing everything Chase just said. He begins to tremble in fear as his heart begins pounding like crazy, as sweat begins running down his head.

Marshall: (lied) I'm not a werewolf Chase!

Chase: Then explain why you didn't want to sleep with us inside the lookout.

Marshall: (nervous) Uh well i-it's because I just wanna sleep in my pup house.

Chase: But you been around with Everest and Tracker all week.

Marshall: (nervous) Yes but that's because we just wanna hang out.

Chase looks at Marshall very confusingly, he doesn't understand anything of what he's saying. He still thinks his behavior is strange but he decided to just let it go for now.

Chase: (sigh) You know what fine just... have fun with your sleepover.

Marshall watches the upset german sheperd walk away with his head down. He feels so bad for doing this to his best friend, he lays down and sigh and takes a bit of moment to think he has lied so much that he doesn't want to keep lying but he has to as he's thinking about the gang kicking him out cause he's a monster. While he was lying down on the ground Ryder called the pups for dinner.

Ryder: Pups! Dinner Time!

Marshall: Oh boy... (walks inside the lookout)

Ryder pours there food into each of there bowls. Marshall begins to drool while all the pups comes in and starts eating there food. Marshall tries his hardest not to devour the food in seconds but the wolf instinct was getting to him. He takes small bites of his food trying not to eat it all at once. Rocky was looking at Marshall with a concern look on his face, he has the sudden urge to ask what's wrong but he decides not too. Suddenly Marshall then begin munching down on the food very quickly like it was nothing, he failed trying to resist the wolf inside him. Ryder then giggles at Marshall for eating the food so quick except for the pups.

Ryder: (giggles) looks like someone had enjoyed there food.

Marshall: Hehe y-yeah, m-mind if I have more?

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