Keep Me Safe (Daryl Dixon)

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POV: When a new group joins Alexandria Y/N finds herself getting rather close to one of the new members. What happens when he finds out Y/Ns father is abusive?

Side Note: I'm not a huge fan of this one. It just didn't turn out as planned but I did spend time on it so I decided to put it up anyway.

TW: Abuse

Word Count: 2163 

You were walking down the street when you saw Daryl. You liked to hang around him even though he didn't talk much. It got you out of the house, away from your father. "Hey," you smiled stepping up onto the last step of his porch, which creaked under your foot. "Doing anything today?" You asked. "Nah, tomorrow 'm goin on a run," He spoke quietly. "Can I come?" You bagged. "I dunno Y/N," Daryl said fidgeting with his fingers. "I'll make sure it's okay with my parents," You added. "It's a three-day trip girl," He explained. You thought of being away from your father for a whole three days. "That's okay," You beamed. "Fine, only if ya're ma and pa agree," Daryl sighed. "Thank you, Daryl!" You beamed walking away.

You stepped into the door of your house. The air condition felt so good, you couldn't wear any short-sleeved shirts due to your scars, so you just roasted all day instead. You found your parents in the kitchen. "Mom, Dad, could I go on a run, please?" You asked. "Yes," Your mom spoke at the same time your father said "No." Your dad looked over at your mom with a glare that sent shivers down your spine. "What on earth makes you think I'd let you do such a thing?" He asked. "I just thought it would be good to learn some survival skills," you lied. "So I can protect you myself and you guys," you added. Your dad burst out laughing "You protect us?" He sneered. "You can go," Your mother said pushing you up the stairs. You knew she was going to get punished for doing that. You felt horrible knowing she was going to get hurt because of you.

That night at dinner you could feel the tension in the air. After dinner, you headed straight to bed to avoid your father. However, about 45 minutes later he barged into your room. "What the hell was that?" He asked. "You don't go against my say, you're not going on that run tomorrow and you are never leaving this house again!" He shouted. You didn't respond. "Did you hear me?" he asked. "I said did you fucking hear me!" He screamed grabbing your arm. He put his blade against your bicep. "I hear you. I hear you!" You screamed. He pulled his knife along your skin. "Good," He muttered throwing you down onto your bed and leaving.

You headed into the bathroom to clean and bandage your cut. You had gotten rather good at it. But you forgot to lock the door and Sam walked in. "Y/N?" He asked. "Yes," You responded. "Did daddy do that to you?" You asked. "No, I cut myself when I was trying to grab something from my closet," you lied not wanting to worry your brother. "Oh," He said. "Good night Sam," you smiled rustling his hair. "Good night Y/N," he giggled.

You woke up at five the next morning. You packed a bag a snuck out your window. Something you had done before. You would sneak out with your brother and Enid. The three of you would sometimes even sneak out of Alexandria.  You met Daryl at the gate. "Your parents said you could come?" Daryl asked. "My mom did, yes," you spoke, you weren't lying, you just weren't telling him everything. "Okay let's go," he sighed.

The two of you walked through the forest in silence. Your arm was in pain, but you tried to ignore it. "It's so hot, why are ya wearing long sleeves?" Daryl asked. "I'm cold," You lied. "Girl ya're sweatin'. What's going on?" Daryl asked. "Nothing," You shrugged hoping he would change the conversation. 

You continued walking, Daryl got a couple of squires during the day. Once the sun began to set, he suggested you stayed in a cabin, you had passed a little while ago. You headed back. Once you arrived Daryl knocked on the door.

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