Chapter 3 The bully x The scholar tyrant (3)

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        In teacher's office, the who one called Erzo was Miss Eva and thought Erzo was a new student but soon, she finds out that he is the unruly child that likes to bully students! Such a change! She can't believe at first but later, she remembered that child's dark eyes staring at her. Really cold!

Erzo stared blankly at Miss Eva and asks, "Teacher, can apply for the next semester's monthly exam to transfer in class 1?"

Erzo surprised her and looked at him, bewildered. She didn't know what kind of medicine he drank today to have this different behavior. It makes her suspicious but she thinks, it's a good thing that the former unruly student has been enlightened and wants to study properly! Miss Eva was really delightful for the child and thought of his concern.

"Yes, in terms of rules. Every monthly test required for any students to get into top 100 to transfer in class 1 and 2 but you need a recommendation." Miss Eva explained with complexity. She didn't know if Erzo can get in the top 100.

       In East High School, every section consist of 50 to 55 students and even rich students have to abide by this rules. This school will give a scholarship if you have good grades. Based on Erzo's previous grades, he can't reach into top 100.

"Teacher, can you recommended me? I'll promise, i will get into top 100!" Erzo firmly said and stared at her.

His eyes looks peaceful but colder! Miss Eva moved away and adjusted his distorted expression. She coughed up lightly and says, "Okay, okay! Then you can go, i will talk to our head and if by chance... I will tell you the results!"

Erzo smiled but his smiles didn't reach the corner of his eyes. "Thank you, teacher!" He politely said and left the teacher's office.

       After he left, a few teachers come by the side of Miss Eva and asked a several questions. Many teachers knows about that bad student in the lowest class. Because of his unruly character and terrible grades, most of the teachers hates that kind of student. It gives you headache!

"What?! Is he joking?!" The Math teacher smacked his thighs and laughed.

"Maybe he's pretending to get an attention! Do you know the boy in my class, he's smart and diligent plus a very good looking youth! And that boy Santillan likes my student!" The adviser of class 1 and teacher in English said with disgust.

"Ah! There's a rumors that boy turned out to be a gay! And he's a bully! Hay! He's only a high school student but he has a crocked mind!"

"I bet he can't get into the top 100 or even in 500 list! He's dreaming!" The teacher in social science exclaimed and can't stop ridiculing the poor student.

"I don't know but i hope that Mr. Santillan will do it." Miss Eva explained but can't refute. She knows the rumors and can't help disregarded what Erzo promised a while ago. She felt that the student is just playing.

       After Erzo left the teacher's office, he went to the library to find the villain. In the novel, the villain is bookworm!

❲Host! The villain is on the area! Quick! Talk to him!❳ When suddenly, the loli voice system buzzing to his brain.

Erzo spat out a cursed words. All of a sudden! Into his brain really! He felt annoyed because of a sudden system's prompt!

❲I-i'm sorry, host! But the villain... is h-here!❳ The cute little system voices shrank like a quail.

Erzo just snorted coldly. The system whimpered. The host is bad! Woo.. woo..

Erzo didn't have the care for system's cries and moved his attention to find the villain. He knows that the villain has a low social communication so he always stay inside in the library if break times arrived and few students will talk to him about the lesson. Erzo planned to make friends with the villain but with his bad reputation and the rumors about him, he didn't know if he had to explain it for him.

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