Chapter 5 Futile Resistance

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As the entire world was in chaos, the government, which has strong military power, started to mobilize its army for a possible invasion. One of these nations is the Philippines, where all 14 bases of the army, navy, and air force scatter around the nation to begin its defense, making the riots stop immediately as the people see the absolute power of the military in action. All reserve personnel are now active members, and after the mobilization of the army, the president makes a national address.

The 12 based have a count of 5 in Luzon, 2 in Palawan, 3 in Visayas, and 4 in Mindanao; they are a mix of armed forces, naval forces, and air forces.

The locations of the base in Luzon are Santa Ana, San Fernando, Polillo Island, and Legazpi City, making it the north command. In Palawan, the bases are Busuanga and Puerto Princesa. In Visayas, the command is Tacloban, Iloilo, and Cebu; the Palawan command is under the middle command with the Visayas command; and in Mindanao, the command locations are Bagadian, General Santos, Davao City, and Butuan; this is the south command's base.

"Hello, my countrymen. As you all can see, the entire world is in turmoil as the said object is now visible, and every nation is preparing for an invasion or a complete extinction scenario as now every branch of our military is deployed, even our arsenal of nuclear weapons and hydrogen bombs pointed at the unknown object. So does the entire world have powerful weapons to deliver damage and possibly destroy it? So I ask you, my citizens, to now remain calm so that we can all think straight about this situation. Another thing is that we are picking up gifted minds all around a nation and putting them all in a safe place underground, so if something happens, the human legacy stays on. As of now, every nation in this world will start our defense, so I employ that the people stay in their houses and with their families as we won't know the outcome of what will happen in the upcoming hours, days, months, or years, so please pray and Godspeed to you all."

Amber Alert started to scream to all devices to find shelter and be with their families, as it may be the last time everyone will feel safe.

Some are praying in churches, and every religion has their respected sacred place to pray, and some people started to just stare at the scenery of the ocean, lakes, and mountains as if they were boring it to their minds as their last moment alive; some are driven by their lust and started to make out with their partner even in public to fulfill their fantasy; some like anarchy, but they got to stop by the military, and some of them take casualties; and the last are families who started to immerse themselves in the affection of hugging and the last words they wanted to say before something tragic ever happens, as the possibility of the world ending is coming; everyone said their goodbyes; as the possibility of

0900H May 2, 23XX Malacaang Place: strategic room (war room deep underground the palace)

"My Generals armed half of our warheads" (president)

"Amm, Mr. President, if I may ask, why have we just armed half of our warheads?" (General Mansillia)

"Are you crazy, General? What if also other countries put half of their arsenals into action, and if that thing gets destroyed, they can threaten us or possibly invade us as every military of every nation on this planet is put into action!"(president)

But all nations with the capabilities armed every warhead they had; just the Philippines armed half their arsenal because of the anxiety of colonization in the past and because politicians became too worried about another occupation.

"At my command, activate every missile and aim at that thing."

"Alright, begin the arming sequence."

"3 ,2 ,1 Launch!"

The complete arsenal of the Philippine Republic is 300 thermonuclear bombs with a yield of 100 times what America used in Japan during the war and 62 hydrogen bombs with a yield of 100 thousand kilotons of TNT, which if detonated on Philippine soil would turn every part of the nation to ash or burn to crisps; nothing will stand; even trees will evaporate; and the city will topple as if the gods were playing Jenga.

As the Philippines launched one hundred eighty-one planetary missiles all around the country, even at the sea, trails of launched missiles can be seen as if humanity is leaving the planet, as does every world power, and when they're traveling in the sky, it's like a meteor shower occurred as thousands of missiles were launched at the same time and were traveling to hit the unknown object. As it's far away and half the size of planet Earth, it will take time to see the result.

As the missiles are being launched, the people are mesmerized by the sight of the missiles using a slingshot method to travel faster; it's like a group of swarming bees in the sky leaving a trail of pollen.

As all of that was happening, every nation capable of having a military in space started boarding their soldiers onto starships to invade the said unknown object after it had been hit by tremendous forces unimaginable. We call these soldiers space marines," as the name implies, because they have been trained in and understand space combat operations.

[Author's note: As you can see, I'm new to this, but I'll try my best to make a difference on this journey. I tried to draw the machines and such so you could get a full view of such things.

2217H May 2 23XX

All warheads are about to reach the said Object when suddenly balls of light came to the middle of the said thing and started shooting all the warheads some continued traversing and hit the Unknown Space Object but it did not penetrate nor damage the UOS.

2217H May 2 23XX

192500.3 kilometers from the surface of the earth

All warheads are about to reach the said Object when suddenly balls of light came to the middle of the said thing and started shooting all the warheads some continued traversing and hit the Unknown Space Object but it did not penetrate nor damage the UOS.

*Malacañang palace*

The president saw what happened, so the whole world heard every world leader say, "Resistance was futile."

As they watched the failure of the missions, Cruz (the president) cried as he reminisced about himself and his family, wondering if there was a future for them. While he was crying, the UOS began to change its orbit and came close enough to shadow the planet and block almost the entire sky, turning the day into night, and the center of the UOS, which appears to be made of photon-like structures, began to light up and charge its energy like the one used on

"While the beam of light was engulfing the nation, every pure-blooded Filipino started to glow while the chaos happened, and at the exact time, the nation disappeared so that these people could travel around the world."

next chapter: Transfer

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