Chapter 9: Visit

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On Zener's way to the capital, he encountered a wounded woman on the road. She seemed to be unconscious. Zener rushed towards the woman and tried to wake her up, but still to no avail. The woman did not wake up. Zener found a place to rest with the wounded woman. However, the woman was conscious of everything. She thought that she was being abducted because she was wounded and unconscious on the side of the road.

You might ask, why would a woman be wounded and unconscious on the side of the road? Well, she was with her team of knights in the forest. While on their mission, a company of Orcs ambushed them. While everyone on her team fought, she was scared and froze up in the battle. One knight saw this and shouted to her to look behind her, but it was too late. An orc swung its mace and hit the female knight on the left rib, breaking it. She vomited blood while being flung by the orc. The team leader knight jumped and stabbed the one attacking the other female knight who had been wounded from carelessness.

The company knight commander gave a low-medium healing potion to the female knight and told her to run and call for reinforcements. The female knight agreed to the order and ran away from the battle. While running, her sight became fuzzy, and she had shortness of breath from the running as she bled from the wound she had inflicted. As she was running and huffing from every breath, she collapsed on the side of the road, and that's where Zener found her.

As Zener nursed the wounded knight, he noticed a purple-ish color on her skin on the left ribcage and examined the patient. To his findings, he found a lot of broken ribs and internal bleeding on her left side of the lung. If this continued, the female knight might not make it till sunrise. So, Zener pulled out the healing pod, a wand-like device that gave a perfect diagnosis and fixed the problem. He used the pod on the female knight, and as it was working, the fractures and bleeding stopped. The female knight looked relaxed after the treatment.

The sun rose from the horizon, and Zener and the female knight were both asleep in the forest full of monsters. Despite the danger, Zener and every agent have an AI assistant that detects life forms in their vicinity. This technology allowed them to rest assured that they would be alerted if anything came near them. However, the female knight woke up first and was shocked to see Zener. 

She screamed, pointing a knife at him, which immediately woke him up. Zener raised his hands in surrender, and the female knight demanded an explanation of how they ended up together in the forest. After he explained, the female knight lowered her knife and apologized.As they sat and calmed down, the female knight's stomach grumbled, which embarrassed her as a lady and a knight. Zener chuckled and offered her breakfast.

 She agreed, and Zener pulled out nutriobars flavored like pancakes and waffles while he had a protein bar. The female knight was confused by the metal box thing but didn't question it further as her hunger overtook her. While eating, Zener asked the female knight how she ended up in such a state. She told him the story of how and why she was on the side of the road.As the female knight talked, Zener's expression changed, and he became concerned. 

He told her that after breakfast, she should point him in the direction of her companion. Confused, the female knight asked why, but Zener didn't explain. After they ate, the female knight pointed the way, but she grabbed Zener's hand, telling him it was too dangerous because there were many orcs, and he might die. Zener sat back down with the female knight and reassured her, then injected her with a sleeping formula to make her unconscious. 

He covered her with camouflage cloth and ran towards the battle between the female knights and the orcs.On the way, he came across a body that was cut in half and naked, which shocked him. Despite the gruesome sight, he continued and found the remaining female knights being rap*d by the orcs. Most of the female knights were dead, but the orcs still continued their assault. Seeing this, Zener lost his cool and pulled out a sub-plasma rifle. 

He shot the orcs that were assaulting the female knights, even those who were still breathing. He shot every orc on sight while bruises and unknown liquid covered the female knights, whose eyes were lifeless. He covered the dead bodies and the remaining female knights who were still alive with a tree. He took pictures of the scene and sent them to HQ for evidence. 

Hours passed, and Zener found some clothes and cleaned up the female knights who had experienced such trauma. He gave them water with sedation so they could sleep peacefully. A Republic drone then hovered above the camp of the victims to ensure their safety. Zener went back to the female knight who was still unconscious and woke her up. 

She hit Zener at first, but she calmed down after a few seconds. He told her what happened and asked her to get reinforcements while he stayed to watch over the other female knights. The female knight ran and traveled far, reaching an outpost of guards and knights 12 hours later. She gave her report about what happened, and the outpost commander ordered half of the soldiers and knights to rescue the other survivors. At the camp where Zener was, the other female knight regained some consciousness and tried to kill herself, but Zener stopped her and gave her a sleeping drug again. He rang HQ and asked to erase some of the victims' memories, but the higher-ups rejected his proposal, fearing it might arouse suspicion and hinder his mission.

After hours of waiting, the reinforcements finally arrived. They discovered that a pile of dead orcs had been moved to the other side, far enough from the camp so that the smell of the corpses would not reach the camp. On the other side, the brave knights who had fought and died were covered in cloth. The surviving knights were in bad shape, and the losses were significant. They held a ceremony to honor their fallen comrades. While helping the surviving knights, the commander talked to Zener and asked him where he came from. Zener told the commander that he was from an island known as a hub of commerce by the locals. After that, Zener showed the commander the seal of the baron, and the commander immediately understood.

Zener followed the knights and soldiers back to the outpost where the female knight was. Upon arrival, the knight told Zener her name, Clair Disaito, the second daughter of Baron Disaito. Zener was surprised but not too surprised, as he had already encountered nobility. He showed his respect and bowed, but the lady said it was unnecessary from her savior. After a long conversation, Zener asked Clair for directions to the capital. She told him where to go, and the next day, as he was preparing to depart, Clair was waiting outside the gate with two horses. She said, "What are you waiting for? Let's go before the sun goes down!" They both set off for the capital together. 

Alternate Reality- Philippine in Another world (Reviewed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora