Chapter 7 Findings

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Upon the deployment of troops and heavy armor in the Deadlands, the armed forces of the Republic, along with the air force, began their investigation of the new world. In their exploration of the northern region, they encountered a kingdom known as "170." Ruled by kings and nobles, this realm mirrored the late centuries of Europe, where monarchs and nobles held dominion over the land. The military's Information Bureau promptly conveyed this discovery to the senators and the president.

As news of this kingdom spread, a mix of greed and cautious contemplation permeated the ranks of the government and populace. Although unaware of the Republic's existence due to their medieval technological level, some speculated about the government's potential actions. In this enigmatic realm, a mysterious item and human-like beings with extraordinary abilities existed. These beings could conjure water and flames seemingly out of thin air, reminiscent of magic. The department personnel named this phenomenon "Magic," an undefined concept in their realm. Months passed, bringing forth a deeper understanding of this foreign land.

During this period, researchers unearthed what they dubbed the "Creators' Particle," a ubiquitous element in this new world. Drawing inspiration from video games and other 21st-century media, it was christened "Mana." This term was selected due to its resemblance to the effects seen in games, but now, a scientific foundation existed for its behavior. The researchers discovered that consciousness could influence this particle, enabling the manifestation of concepts through it. Humanity's accumulated knowledge empowered the research institute to delve into experiments. Collaborating with PASE's Technology Department, they designed a machine harnessing this particle's power. This machine generated new elements based on mathematical and theoretical premises, propelling the nation's technology to unprecedented heights.

1124H, August 6 *&!%@$!^%#^@&

The Department of Science and Development astounded the public by unveiling a massive structure suspended in mid-air, devoid of engines or turbines. As citizens marveled at this spectacle, the military showcased cutting-edge weaponry. Notably, floating battleships and warships, resembling fantasies, made their debut. Among these advancements was a photon beam—a formidable laser capable of inflicting nuclear-level devastation. The demonstration obliterated a dummy target situated 40 thousand kilometers above the Earth's surface, evoking cheers from the onlookers.

News surfaced of gargantuan species that dwarfed even the largest provincial buildings. Faced with these colossal creatures that indiscriminately devoured and ravaged, the populace found solace in the newfound weaponry's potency. However, the weapons' effectiveness was marred by their sluggishness. The government swiftly instituted nationwide deployments to safeguard civilians from the monstrous onslaught and protect the sanctity of the land.

[Author's note: I have been fixing this stories finding fault into it and getting help making it readable. Thank you for reading it until now.]

Upon this the information gathered is not much it's either get out there and get the information, satellite images, drones, and bugs can't gather much information, so the government sends out soldiers with proper training for espionage one of these spies send out is Zener Salalima he landed on Asytra Kingdom as he looks foreign and near the look of this human-like creature. (Basically, a foreign looking man)

0600H August 20 @&%^#!*@&^

Salalima landed near Port Merlak and started to investigate and made his way to a near city, which is the domain of Baron Lamard Ekramo, during his journey to his destination, he encounters a group of men about 12 of them wielding a long metallic object that in the report looks like a weapon called a sword. (hey they came from the far future where medieval things are called ancient civilization)

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