Chapter 10: The Road to the Royal Capital

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Transfer calendar: Day 62 of Year 4.

As Clair and Zener ventured closer to the royal capital, the setting sun painted the sky in vibrant hues of orange and purple. The road stretched before them, winding through rolling hills and dense forests. Their footsteps echoed in harmony, their determination unwavering.

Little did they know that their peaceful journey would soon be disrupted. Just as the sun began its descent, a gang of bandits emerged from the shadows, blocking the path ahead. The bandits, their eyes glinting with mischief and greed, brandished their weapons menacingly. the man in the front talking "well well  well look what we have here a young man and a beauty BOYS we are having fun tonight!( while laughing)"

Zener, ever vigilant and protective of Clair, swiftly assessed the situation. Stepping in front of her, he assumed a poised stance, ready to defend against any threat. A surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins as he unleashed his formidable skills in the ancient Filipino martial art of Arnis. With each swing and parry, knife became a blur, striking the bandits with calculated precision hitting them behind killing them.

The clash of metal to metal and the grunts of exertion filled the air as Zener effortlessly disarmed and subdued his adversaries. His movements were a dance of power, a testament to years of training and discipline. The bandits, overwhelmed by Zener's skill and resolve, retreated one by one until only one remained. Zener then interrogated the bandit of where is the hideout but to no avail the bandit shut its mouth not uttering a  word. with Zener's patients he brought out 2 pill looking device and stick it on the bandits nipples, seeing this Clair ask "what are those?" Zener replied with "oh its nothing" then after Zener's word the bandit started shouting in agony as if his being skin alive a few minutes pass and the bandit breathing is getting heavy and the scream stops on the last strength the bandit shouted " alright ill tell ya just please no more (while gasping for air)" then Zener said " ok now where is the hide out?" the bandit while gasping for air told Zener "north west about a 2 kilometers away up on the hill there is a shack under it is a cave there is about 30 of us and a few women we captured" Zener's heard the captured women and asked about them then the bandit became silent and slowly lift his head up and smiled mischievously and said "what do you think? huh? we had our fun with her" while laughing loudly maniacally the bandit added to his statement "we had our fun with them hAhAHAhA ohhh how lovely they scream for mercy while we take them day and night HAhahAHha" Zener lost his grip and pulled out his plasma pistol and pointed it at the bandit's head and pulled the trigger blowing it to pieces blood and pieces of meat was scattered to the ground. 

However, victory came at a cost. As Zener calm down, his focus shifted to Clair, who had sustained a deep gash on her arm during the chaos. Worry etched into his face, he rushed to her side, cradling her injured arm with utmost care. From his bag, he retrieved his healing pod.

As the healing pod's gentle light enveloped Clair, she found herself drifting into a state of half-consciousness. In her hazy mind, a cascade of thoughts flowed, misconstruing Zener's abilities and identity. She began to wonder if Zener might be more than he appeared—a holy knight, perhaps, a grand rank within the first civilization.

Amidst the hazy confusion, Clair's thoughts meandered to ancient legends and the grandeur of the first civilization. She wondered if Zener's remarkable combat skills and unwavering dedication hinted at a hidden truth—he might be a holy knight, a revered figure from a forgotten era, blessed with divine powers. The flickering flames and shadows cast by the dying sunlight seemed to reinforce her delusion.

Unbeknownst to Clair, Zener's mind embarked on its own journey. He allowed himself to reminisce about his days at the prestigious military academy, where discipline and honor were paramount. The rigorous training, the bond forged between comrades, and the fabled tales of holy knights fueled his thoughts. However, he recognized the illusions of his own imagination, understanding that his journey was rooted in personal growth rather than grandeur.

After a few minutes after healing Clair, Zener told her to stay put on the camp while he rescue the victims of the bandits. Clair agreed telling him to stay safe.

Zener ran to the dense forest and saw a hill surrounded by trees. In the middle of the forest, up there is a shack and 2 guards. One is sleeping, and the one is just sitting on his chair. Zener approached them silently from behind and killed the guard that's awake, putting his knife on the throat and on his mouth to not make a noise. The other one, he just slit his neck and went his way under the cave, sneaking in. He saw a group of bandits that were sleeping, and the other group drinking. Zener proceeded to kill the sleeping bandits.

As Zener traversed the cave, he saw a pile of wooden crates with grins and rations. Then he took a torch from the wall and throw it to the rations, setting it on fire. This alerted the drinking bandits, but while they went to get water from deep in the cave, Zener eliminated them one by one. Afterward, he found a room, but he saw one bandit. When he looked closely, the bandit was raping a woman. When Zener threw his knife at the head of the bandit, he ran towards them, but the woman looked dead. He checked and found no pulse. He pushed the dead bandit's body onto the floor and analyzed the woman's body. It was full of bruises, and it looked like she died of strangulation. Zener felt sickened by the dead necrophile on the ground and shot it with his plasma pistol multiple times. After quelling his anger, he continued to traverse the cave.

At the end, there was a door. He opened it and saw a horrific surprise—a pile of dead women's naked bodies, some decomposing. The age varied from 12 to 30. Looking at the horrifying sight, Zener clenched his hand and punched the wall while shouting, "BARBARIANS! FUCKING BARBARIANS!" After a few seconds, he slowly calmed down while his knuckles bled from all the punching.

After so Zener goes out of the cave and burn the shack to the ground and sat on a log facing the burning shack he looked to the sky and said, " Why are we here (with a sigh)". Zener slowly walked back to the camp. he tells all the horrific things he saw to Clair.

As the night enveloped them, they decided to set up camp within the sheltering embrace of the ancient woods. Zener skillfully lit a crackling fire, its warm glow casting enchanting shadows on their faces. Amidst the tranquil ambiance, they shared stories and dreams, their laughter harmonizing with the whispering wind.

While Zener cooked a modest meal over the dancing flames, Clair's mind gradually returned to reality. She watched Zener intently, his eyes reflecting a flicker of mischief. Breaking the silence, she inquired with a playful tone, "Zener, what are you up to?"

Zener's grin widened, his eyes sparkling. "Ah, I was just recalling some of the tales from my time at the military academy. Stories of valor and adventure, though perhaps exaggerated by my own fond memories."

Clair chuckled, appreciating the whimsical nature of Zener's revelation. They continued their heartfelt conversation long into the night, sharing anecdotes, aspirations, and fears. Their camaraderie deepened amidst the peaceful solitude of the woods, fostering a bond that transcended their shared journey.

As the final embers of the fire faded into darkness, the dawn greeted them with a soft golden glow. The morning air carried the promise of a new day, invigorating their spirits. With their camp packed and hearts brimming with determination, Clair and Zener resumed their travel towards the royal capital, their destination drawing ever closer.

As they approached the grand city gates, their eyes widened at the sight of the towering walls adorned with intricate carvings. they are finally in the Royal Capital.

End of chapter 10.

See you next chapter  :) 

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