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"W-who are you?!" Yelling desperately, Trying to spot a speck of light realizing I was chained up and blind folded. The sound of someone walking towards me. While the warm breath of others behind me seemed to warm the cool night breeze. Not a single person spoke a word other than me. Trying to recollect myself and remember how I got here, but no dice. My head hung low in failure.

"Get out of here. I'll save them." A voice spoke to me, as they touched my shoulder softly. I could feel the others behind me waking up and reading the situation. Before I could say a word I was un-blindfolded and my hands freed. As they whispered one last thing to me slyly. "Good luck."

With a solid kick to the back by a heeled shoe I was standing in a now lit stairwell. Confused, I went to open the door I had been shoved out of. But the sound of other unfamiliar loud voices scared me off. Looking around, spotting an exit sign pointing downward. Not knowing what else to do I ran down the stairs as fast as possible. Upon reaching the bottom I flung out the door to a parking lot filled with police, new reporters, ambulance and fire trucks. Frantically I searched the scene. One of the firemen grabbed my wrist. I stood in shock at the five story building having just run from, in a blazing flame. Those innocent people and my hero were burned down to ash.

"Huh?" Groaning sitting up from the drool puddle on my couch. The news on my TV was blaring about a fire a few miles south from where I lived. Pulling out my nearly dead phone, I checked the time. "IT'S ALREADY 9AM?! I start work at 7!"

Gathering myself together in a hurry. Since I had slept in my office clothes, I just fixed my hair and wore the same thing as the day before. Since it was only a block or so away I'd have to run by foot. Moments later Bursting through the office doors, I marched to my desk with papers in hand. Panting over my keyboard slightly.

"ARE YOU OK?!!" Ari shouted nearly in my ear, as her papers scattered around the floor below her. Her hand slamming the wall next to her, the remaining papers sat close to her chest.

{BSF- Ari: Constantly worried, huge snacker, loves drama, lazy, k pop BPS stan, auburn hair, circle glasses, BL nerd.}

"Yes, my god Ari, what's wrong?" I sighed, even after my remark she looked star stricken.

"Well you're late, and the boss chewed you up about your work and being late and-"

"No, ok relax. He hasn't even seen me yet. Besides I got all my work done-" Sticking my finger over her lips. Besides that dream I had was worth it. Being lonely nearly my whole adult life has proven me to enjoy the little things.

"F/N!!!!!!" someone belted out from the main office.

"Right. Of course.. I oh so wonder what this could be about now." Glaring back at Ari jokingly. before slamming my hands on the desk and storming off with the printed files from the previous night.

"I was getting there.. Oh dear." Ari had begun to mutter something behind me as I stormed off teeth gritted. Being that I had less than five minutes to get my ass out the door, not showering or fussing over my hair as usual. Getting an ear full was expected. Arriving at the Boss' office door basically shoving this smiling nerd guy out of my way without a second glance. Entering the Boss's private office.

"Close the door behind you." He ordered me. My heart raced, beginning to let the handle go. Taking a breath then closing it. Knowing I had to toughen up myself. Not too much, just prepared. "Don't you know how tight staffed we are? Answer me F/N."

{Boss- constant nagging/pervert, slacker, karen energy, short black hair, brown eyes, basic black glasses, chubby, Tan suit }

"Y-yes sir. I apologize, the cars were-"

"Oh no no no. Don't use that excuse with me..." He spoke softly as he stood up walking over to me. Trying not to flinch as he waddled over, licking his lips. My heart raced around over and over. He had never been this aggressive before. Multiple images flashed through my head. Realizing why we were so short staffed yet again. Unintentionally moving backward toward the door. Dropping the files as my hands began to shake a little. I really wasn't used to this kind of thing. He walked closer and closer..

"H-hey, back up." I muttered out but he didn't stop. I held my breath and squeezed my eyes shut, praying.

"ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH OF THAT!" Some guy yelled as the door crashed into my boss's head. A dress shoe was left resting in the air. Staff quickly flooded the doorway opposite us. While this tall nerdy guy stood in the doorway, which I had assumed to be my hero. Even though I was pretty sure he was the one I shoved out of the way earlier. Either way he held a hand out to me. 


BSF- Ari: Constantly worried, huge snacker, loves drama, lazy, k pop BPS stan, auburn hair, circle glasses, silver eyes, BL nerd

Boss- constant nagging/pervert, slacker, karen energy, short black hair, brown eyes, basic black glasses, chubby, Tan suit 

Coworkers- Ari

[A/N: Trust me here ya'll its not just all boring work stuff. you'll see 0.0]

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